When you do something naughty

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~ Megatron ~

One day when you saw that your sire left one of his new datapads where you could get it you decided to see what was on it. Since you couldn't read yet you didn't know what any of the words said. You pressed on a few things and before you knew it you had erased several of Starscream's turned in mission reports that Megatron was keeping track of. 

"Siwe!" You said happily when you saw your sire walk into the bridge.

"Y/C/n, what are you doing with that datapad?" Megatron asked you as he picked up the datapad.

Everyone in the bridge suddenly froze as they looked at Megatron. Megatron saw that you had somehow erased everything off of the datapad. Thankfully, everything had already been backed up.

"Y/C/n, do not touch any more datapads. You erased everything off of this one." Megatron said, lightly scolding you.

"Okie." You said, hugging your sire's right stabilizer.

Everyone, especially Starscream, was shocked that Megatron didn't punish you. Megatron picked you and the datapad up. He gave the datapad to Soundwave and continued to hold you. 


~ Starscream ~ 

Now that you were almost a year old Starscream decided to allow you to start doing arts and crafts. He gave you some paint and some pieces of cardboard. While he was out getting the cardboard you decided to have fun with the open cans of paint. You dipped your servos in them and squished the wet paint in between your digits. After a few moments you took your servos out of the paint. 

You placed your servos on the floor and smeared the paint. You laughed, thinking that it was fun painting the floor. You dipped your right servo in a different color of paint before you smeared it across the floor. 

"Y/C/n, what on Cybertron are you doing?!" Starscream asked you as soon as he walked into his berthroom.

"Pwetty!" You said happily, gesturing to your masterpiece on the floor.

"Yes, but it would be prettier on the cardboard. Now I have to clean the floor." Starscream said, putting the cardboard next to you before going to get some cleaning supplies.


~ Soundwave ~ 

While your sire was working in his berthroom you were taking a nap. Or, supposed to. You weren't tired and you wanted to play. You looked up out of your crib and saw that your sire had his back toward you. You had already figured out how to get out of your crib, so you used that same technique.

You made sure your sire wasn't looking as your peds touched the floor. You quietly crawled over to your toy box and pulled a few things out. When Lazerbeak saw that you were awake he started chirping. Soundwave turned around and saw you playing with some of your toys.

"What are you doing, young lady?" Soundwave asked you as he got up and walked over to you.

"Pwaying." You said innocently.

"You're supposed to be taking a nap, not playing." Soundwave said, sitting on the floor next to you.

"I not sweepy." You told your sire.

"Y/C/n, you need your nap. Would you like to watch something until you're sleepy?" Soundwave asked you.

"Yea." You said, letting your sire pick you up.

Soundwave walked over to his berth and put you down on it. He grabbed a spare datapad and started playing an old sparkling show. He went back to working as you slowly went into recharge.

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