Chapter 7

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Jennie POV

It's already 12:43 in the midnight but I still can't sleep. I stand up and head out at my room and go towards at the living room to watch TV and I was about to seat at the sofa when someone move and it startled me. I look at it and I saw lisa sleeping there. I sitted infront of her face and watch her face. she doesn't have any make up on but she still manage to be looking good

Her barefaced is so beautiful... What the fvck did you do to me, Lisa.

I just look at her peacefully sleeping face. Then I realize that I'm already holding her cheeks when I felt it's cold. I started caressing it slowly not wanting to wake her up...

What happened to me? I felt this since I saw her at her first day of her work. Since that, I act so weird towards her. Even I claim her as my girlfriend at the plane. Did I like her? No! No! It can't be...

"Did I like you?"I ask her even she's sleeping

I'll need to make it sure...

I stand up and go towards my room and get the extra blanket and pillow at the cabinet then head out again and go towards her. I carefully rise her head and put the pillow under her head and when I successfully put it in. I put the blanket too just to warm her body...

"What comes to your mind to sleep here in sofa?" I'm like a stupid here because I'm talking to her even she's sleeping.

When I'm done, I walk towards my room and make myself fell asleep but I cannot because I'm really thinking of what is this strange feeling I felt towards lisa. Is this only for lisa or I already felt it to everyone but I just ignore it...

I wake up by just the hit of sun ray at my face. I slowly open my eyes and do my morning routine then head out at my room. I saw lisa also wake up sitting at the sofa while she's covering her whole body with a blanket. of course except her face. I walk towards her and I saw her eyes closed, she really look cute that made me giggle but didn't let her heard it. She's hugging her knees and her chin leaning at her arm. I smile just seeing her like that


"Hey..." I simply said and she hummed "You're late at your work" I said and she shake her head

"It's chipmunk"She said with her sleepy voice

ohh ahahaha is she's still dreaming?

"Your boss will be mad at you" I said and she whimpered.... Oh gosh

"It-Oh shocks!"She said and aggressive remove the blanket and stand up then look at me horrified. I want to laugh so hard at her face ahahah

She stand up and bow at me continuously while covering her face

"Sorry Mr.Kim"She said still bowing

"You're fired" I said and she look at me shocked

"P-please don't Mr. Kim... I just t-thoughts that it's really sunday and I'm in my friends house" She explain and I didn't speak "Mr-Oh sorry...I mean RJ" She said when she realized and I nod. I look at her from toe to head and she's wearing a pajama then her top is plain white shirt and it's too big at her

"Where did you get that?"I ask and she look at shirt

"Oh, I ask the stuff if they have a free shirt because i'm not used to wear a night gown and thank God they have...Btw Good morning RJ" She said with her sweetest smile that made me slightly smile

"Good morning too" I simply said and turn around not wanting her to notice this stupid feeling of mine towards her but I smile even more when she ask;

"I'm still your worker, right?You're not really fired me, right?" She ask like a kid that made me smile

"Let me think about it"I said and walk and I know she's following me

"Wait, Where are you going?"She ask curiously with a frown in confused

"I know, I just want to eat my breakfast when I'm done changing clothes..."I said

"Hmmm ok...."She said "Ahhh RJ?"She call me and I just hummed "I know i'm just your worker but...C- can I eat with you?"She ask shyly then...while me, My tummy turn upside down, again...

"It's up to you"I keep myself in.

"Hmmm RJ? Can you please, wait me?"She said and I hummed and headed at my room and lock it...

Oh gosh! What the fvck was that?!

I change my clothes into a simple clothes and head out at my room and headed at the living room and I open the TV and waited for lisa. I'm waiting her for almost two minutes...

I'm like waiting for my girlfriend....

By the thought of that, It's make me blush so I shake my head and turn my attention to TV and wait for her again

To be continue
[09/14/2020] 09:17 pm

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