Chapter 32

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Jennie POV

I startled when I heard lisa's dad said. I look around and their reaction is same as me. My sweat become cold and continues dripping down, My throat become dry because of continuously gulping

I need to fight for my love at lisa

"Sorry, but...C—can you give me a chance t—to express my real m—me...G—give me a chance... Make me know me, first....Please....I—i'm begging you..."I said and look at lisa. She grab my hand and interlock it with her. I look back at Lisa's dad but his expression didn't change "Please...I really love your daughter... I—I tell you the t—truth...that...I'm not a good person... I always mad... Even they called me a cold hearted person... hut all of that is at the past... and past cannot go back at the present... I swear, Mr. I really change...And that's because of your daughter...She change me into a carry... warm hearted guy... and I don't know what will happen to me if you separated me to her...I—i can't.."I said and my voice cracked by just thinking that, My tears building up at my eyes. I was startled when I heard a laugh so I look up and I saw lisa's dad laughing

"Oh, Sorry"He said and back into normal "I happy to heard that..."He said nodding "You know, kid."He said and look at me "Next time, Let person finished their words...ok?He said and I give him a confused look "I don't want you to be her boyfriend.... because I want you to be her husband"He said and wink. We all laugh

"Dad!?! That's not funny!"Lisa whined

"What!?! Look it is... Can't you see? They laugh so it's funny"Her dad said. I look at lisa and she playfully rolled her eyes

"GUYSSS! THE FOOD IS READYYY!" Bambam shouted from the kitchen. We all stand up and walk into the kitchen. I sitted next to lisa

I  saw the girl look at me happily. So I just smile and bow my head at her and she blush

"Hey, Jennie Kim—I mean Mr. Kim. I'm bambam"Bambam said and extended his arm. I look at it and I just bow, He awkwardly remove his arm

"And I'm minnie"Minnie said, She extends her arm too but I just bow at her thu

"Hmm H—he's really like that...He doesn't want other touch him"Jisoo said "Btw, I'm kim jisoo" chu said and extended his arm and the two introduce their selves


L/M           TABLE         L/F

"You said, Mr. Kim didn't want anyone touch him but, Why in the living room, Lisa and him are holding their hand?"Minnie ask

"Easy question, He's whipped at lisa"Jisoo answer and they laugh. I look at lisa and she's blushing so hard that made me chuckle. She hug me and hide her face at my chest

"Waoh...Lisa being clingy"Bambam tease lisa

"Nah...She's really like that...If she's blushing, shy or else...she hide her face at my chest"I said "Aw!"I shouted when lisa pinch my side

"Stop it!"She said and They laugh

We all eat in laughter...When we're done, Lisa's mom want us to stay here just in one night because she really miss her daughter so I agree with it...When the evening came, We eat our dinner at the restaurant and that's my treat same as jisoo... When we're done we headed back at their house, Bambam suggested to watch some movies while their arranging a movie, I grab lisa's hand and drag her at the nearest convenience store and we buy a snack while we were watching movies when we're done busying we head back and they're waiting us

The movie is scary...It's all about a group of teenage friends that went into a vacation but it seems gone wrong...They see a big mansion and they headed inside but there's some creepy things killing them one by one

It's scary but enjoying it because lisa is so near to me and hugging my side so tight. everytime the killer will came out all girl are shouting too and we're three boys startled not because of the movie but because of them.

Idea, came out at my mind and I ask bambam if he know some beach here and he know so I tell what's on my mind and he agree with it and he ask if he's friends cam go with us and I agree with it. The more the merrier, right?

When we're done watching movies we tell to others my idea and they happy, Minnie ask if she can go with her other friend and I agree...The girls seems so excited... When we're done talking about the little vication, We headed to our room, Lisa take a bath same as me

"Good night, Love"I said and kiss her lips

"Good night too"She said



o be continue

[09/28/2020] 7:26 Pm

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