Chapter 38

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Lisa and I are now in my house. She's roaming and looking around with a smile telling the all memories when we're together that she remember. I sitted at the sofa and she sitted across me

"Now, can you please explain all of the doctor said" I said and she deeply sigh and nod then look down at her tight. I stand up and sitted beside her. I hold her hand that blood stain still visible

"Remember when I help the kid when we're in thailand?" She ask and I nod "And I accidentally hit my head at the stone that made cause of bleed. One week I stay in the hospital right?" She ask and I nod again "Let's skip that. Now, you bid your goodbye because your mom call you for help and I agree with it. before you leave, I felt dizziness and want to vomit but I stopping it. Then when you leave, I run to bathroom and start vomiting but then minutes had passed I pass out and I wake up that i'm in the hospital again. The doctor came and said to mom that they need to talk about me but I insisted so they talk infront of me and he diagnosed me that I have a brain tumor..." She said

"Then why yiu didn't tell it to me? why did you hide it to me?"I ask

"Because I don't want to be burdened to you..."She said

"No, your're never..."I said. I kneel down infront of her and cupped her face "Now, is that the reason too why you break up with me?"I ask and I saw tears fall down to her cheeks. I wiped it using my thumb

"Sorry...I—i didn't mean it...I—I really didn't want to say those words...b—but I needed...I—if i said it to you...Will leave me...and I know, you can find another woman...whose most capable for you..."She said crying and stuttering

"I know that you're lying"I said with a smile "and're the only one whose capable to me..."I said

"No I'm not...If you see my face on that will find another and break up with me...I didn't want it to heard from you because it will kill me faster than my disease"She said "So...I made a decision to break up with you...I know I became selfish that time...bu—but...I don't want it too...I don't want to have that kind of sick..."She said and burst out crying. I hug her and put her head on my shoulder...

"'re too selfish... you hide that fvcking sick to leave me without saying goodbye...even text or call... third you break up with me and let yourself fight for that fvcking! bullsh*t sick of yours instead of choosing fighting that with me..."I said madly but I cried too

"I—i'm sorry...Really...I know you will leave me...D—did you know t—that they c—cutted my hair...I—I'm ugly that time... I can't sleep in a normal... B—but I swear...I'm still thinking of you... I even cried whenever I remember waking up with you... whenever you're telling me a cheesy line of yours...I'm ready to di—die that time because I already experience what I really want in a relationship...but... everytime I remember that, If I died... How I will saw your beautiful, charming smile..."She said with her tearly eyes but she's smiling "I will not heard your voice...You're face... I know I b—break up with you but you're famous so If I survive, I still can see you face and heard your voice even if it's in magazines or tv" She said

"See, you're so didn't think who about me?" I said and she look down and say sorry. I sigh and hug her when she pulled out. She now look at me directly but Immediately look away

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