Bonus Chapter #3

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BONUS CHAPTER #3: Fatherhood

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BONUS CHAPTER #3: Fatherhood

I sing quietly towards Poppy's protruding belly, smoothing my hand over the peach silk of her gown, I smile widely when I feel one of our children kick along my hand, that's right, Daddy's here. I warm my hands, shielding her and them, I lower my lips to the silk on the side of my wife's belly.

At the sound of slight movement, I glance to the side in guilt when a pair of forest green, perfect emerald eyes meet mine, even in sleep she looked ethereal, beyond imagine. Her eyes watch me over, down my arms, along my back and I shiver at just the sight of her watching me, anyone could tell we were two strong lovers, considering we both still look at each other like this.

"I'm sorry if I woke you, Darling." I whisper, tenderly as I lean my arm and curl it around the bottom of her belly. I lean my ear on her, listening as I watch her.

"You do this routine every morning. It's alright, Maximus." She scoffs, giggling lightly before closing her eyes, I smile, reaching down to massage the back of her thigh. She groans, not in pleasure, sadly, but annoyance.

"No, Maximus."

I chuckle lightly as her eyes flutter close, "It's true what they say about all woman readying to give life. You're one hell of a sight to see, Honey." I murmur, truthfully as my hand slides to her lower back, I lightly lower my abdomen to hers, laughing wildly when I feel the attention our twins want the second my warmth seeps in, I grin at them, before cupping Poppy's cheek, looking into my wife's eyes, just seeing how far we've come.

"Ah...that feels interesting." I whisper, hoarse and low as I lower my forehead to hers, watching the movement in her belly closely, they were truly wild right now, I jolt when my hand moves to one side of her belly, receiving a bigger kick.

"Bloody Hell! They're lively this morning." I say, under my breath, wonder escapes my pores as I admire our creations.

I stare up at my girl, "I'll love you..."

"Always and forever." She completes our set of words, I don't hold back as I lower my lips to hers in a moulding kiss, igniting a small moan from her lips as she reaches her arms over my neck, I smile into the kiss, good morning, beautiful.

I chuckle more when my affection causes a series of more kicks through our abdomens, I raise a wild eyebrow, "Lord, you two want all the attention, don't you?" I hurriedly throw our duvet over both of us, partially covering Poppy's bump, making sure she remains warm as a shirtless dip-shit known as Ivan moves inside, damnit. The rest of them follow, its Everdeen and Ryan next, following Andrew and Rosa-belle, a London Carter, and Diana and Trevor, who seen to have kept their baby asleep in one of the other rooms, our trusted staff watching over little Lorraine, or as I assume.

I lean over, grabbing one of my free shirts that I use for runs and throwing it towards Ivan, in annoyance, "What are you all doing here? Again!"

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