Act 1 : Chapter 10 : The Newcomer

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If you saw this remember that Some how my phone thinked that maybe it was a good idea to post this story, thanks "smart" phone.

3 POV:

I didn't find the octoling, but I am sure that 8 found it, welp, better check on Y/N..

he is still on the ground holding his stomach.
This is gonna be a problem, we can't just walk in an hospital and say "is there someone who can cure a human?" we need to find a way to make him feel better...

Uff~ he is so cute when he is passed out... Maybe if I trip and I accidentally kiss him it isn't gonna be a problem right? ~

I tryed to reach him but I heard 8 calling for me

8: 3 come here! we need to get him to the base

3: what happened who are you talking about?

8: I'll explain later , let's return to marie

3:ok? I guess?

I trust 8 so I won't create chaos right now, and he doesn't seem dangerous he doesn't even have a gun, when we are alone me and 8 we are gonna talk

Marie's POV:

I hope Y/N is all right, it looked like it was a really strong hit, 3 and 8 should be here soon...

3: marie don't freak out ok??

Marie: what happened 3? What are you talking about??

3:just, don't freak out ok?

Marie: ok I won't freak out. Now tell me what's wrong.

3 and 8 They showed up coming out of the corner

OK I Promised I won't freak out, I must stay calm, they are the best agents, there must be a reason

Marie: I promised, so come here And put him on the bench

After the octoling sat down

And put Y/N near him ( he was still Unconscious)

8 (in octarian) :ok you rest here we are going to talk over there.

We went to descussing far from him not to involve him in the dialoge

Octoling POV:

They went descussing far from me...
They don't won't me to listen... Or maybe the author is just too lazy to think of a dialogue for it

God, it still hurts like fire... It hurts Enough to get me through the feathers of hell but not enough to make me faint.

I need to distract myself from this, they said he was Y/N I didn't ask what he is... He is not an inkling, not an octoling, not even a salmonoid, what is he? He looks kinda like a human but they have been extinted for like 12000 years now, it isn't possible.... Or maybe it is?

It best to ask them later.

I can't remember what happened before the meeting with "8" as they call Her

I can't even remember what happened before... I remember a pair of glowing glasses Broken and her approaching, nothing else... My memory has like been reaped out.
Like in a game...

*10 minutes later... *

What if I just Touch him in the face, he looks kinda squishi....
I could distract myself, no one is watching soo....

He put my hands on Y/N Cheeks, HE IS SO SQUISHI!!!!
I began to move my hands on his cheeks, my God he IS adorable... And squishi and warm....

If he wakes up I am dead (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
Maybe I should stop doing that, I shouldn't be playing like that, it' s actually weird....

3, Marie and 8 has came back

3: we diceded after a fight that you are staying with us even if my house is not a fucking hotel.

Marie: don't be like that you are the best for this

3 :you could at least give me something to extend my house! You have a fucking masion big like the area 51!

Marie: mabye you are right but for now is best to left him at your place and heal him, I don't think that a bandage is enough...

Still octoling POV:

Y/N: wha... What happened...?

3: Y/N!

3 jumped on Y/N for the exitement

I mean uhm.... I am happy t-that you are b-back...

8: or is it something more? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

3(heavily blushing) : N-N-NO T-THAT'S N-OT LIKE T-THAT!!

Y/N: could you please get off me 3? My stomach still hurts...


Y/N: that's ok, you don't have to be sorry, anyway what did I miss...? I fess I missed him?

8: you actually passed out for like three or four hours, we fighted like in the great war, Marie helped and I found him, pretty neat uh?

Y/N: you had a war?

8: we will tell you later if you like

Y/N: who are you anyway? Have you got a name?

Octoling (in octarian) : But how rude of mine, the name is Carl

8: he said his name is carl

Y/N: nice to meet you Carl

He offered an hand shake
I shake my hand with him, I mean why not?

Carl (in octarian) : nice to meet you too Y/N, but I have to ask you, what are you? You aren't neither an octoling or an inkling.

8: he asked you what are you

Y/N you see I am a human

8 (whispering in octarian): he said he is a human

Carl: *processing* but the human has been extinct for 12000! How is it possible

8 (in octarian) crinogetic stuff that kept him alive. I am gonna teach you the inkling linguage ok?

Carl ( in octarian) : ok, and thanks

8 (in octarian): now we decided that the best for you is going to our place, is that ok with you?

Carl: (in octarian): that's OK for me, just... Don't meke go back to the octoling ok? Please...

8 (in octian): we are gonna take care of you like a part of the family, now....

I stood up like if I was with a gun pointed at my head

Carl: (in octarian): yes sir!

8:we are ready to go

Y/N: 8 you could become a general

8: I know * proud girl *

They gave me some clothes to come to their home and on the way, it was midnight and I saw for my first time the stars...

They were beauty full.... So many lights in the dark of the sky.... I could have stopped myself and stared at them for the wole night but they didn't let me.

*at 3,8 and Y/N house*

8 (in octarian) : so this will be your new home!

Carl (in octarian) : this is a really good place!

8 (in octarian) :for now you will sleep in a Sleeping bag in Y/N room, it's better if we sleep ulready

They showed me Y/N and get me the sleeping bag, they told me that we will make a tour tomorrow.

I can't wait, I want to see this new world.

So here is the chapter, maybe I focused too much on the octoling
The next chapter will be more concentred on the Y/N relationship with 3 (maybe I will) so I am going to sleep it's 1:51 for me
Gooday/goodnight everyone!

1190 words

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