Chapter Twenty:

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July 20
11:30 am



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Karma.kisses Mama still got it

"I feel like that would be the smart thing to do" I told Benji as I broke the bacon into pieces on top of my grits and eggs "that way she can go to school, we'll have even more help with the baby and plus it'll free up some money cause we won't have to pay bills and shit"

"And where she posed to be moving?"

"Some neighborhood called lakeview something" I shrugged as I mixed my food up "it's a lot closer to your house than it is to here. Like 5-10 minutes away from you. But I mean you still staying overnight to help when he get here right?"

"Nah" he sarcastically responded

"Don't get smart. I'm just making sure"

"What you gotta make sure fa? I said I was staying ain it?"

"Ion know cause I be watching them shows and niggas be leaving or start fuckin up after the baby get here"

Benji sucked his teeth "I'm tellin you. As soon as he come out.. straight up chokeslam yo ass"

"Yeah yeah" I responded while eating and somebody knocked on the door. Benji got up and walked out of the kitchen to go get it while I continued to sit at the table

"Shut up! Where kay at?" I could hear MJ ask and I laughed

"I'm in here!"

MJ and Benji walked into the kitchen and she started smiling while touching my stomach

"My boy tryina make his grand entrance yet?"

"He need to. I'm bout sick of his ass" I muttered while I continued to eat

"Where he at? Why I can't feel him?"

I sat up straight and started pressing on the right side of my stomach "he all the way over here"

She reached to touch the other side of my stomach "why he all the way over here?"

"Cause his ass can't stay still. Then Benji wanted to play with my stomach all morning so all he was doing was dancing around and ended up over there"

"You only got what? Like 5 more weeks"

"5 LONG WEEKS. That's why I told ma after the baby shower next weekend, I'm trying EVERYTHING to get him out.. speaking of the baby shower, you ARE coming right?"

"Duh. What kinda question is that Kay"

"I'm just making sure"

"She tryina make sure everything all of a sudden. That girl so damn bipolar I don't make no sense" Benji told MJ and I frowned

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