Chapter Fourty:

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October 31
12:30 pm

"He ain got no socks to go with that outfit?" Ms Shonda asked me while we talked on FaceTime, referring to the My First Halloween outfit Hendrix was wearing. I fixed how I was holding him before looking at the phone that was propped up on a pillow

"He do but he kicked one of em off already so I just took the other one off. He gotta attitude problem already and I think he got it from his daddy"

"And HE got it from HIS daddy. I tell Benji that all the time"

"Yeah. Me and him got into it earlier before he left because he got mad cause he lost one of his phones"

"Did he find it?"

I shook my head "no, and he think ima find it after he went off on me the way he did, swearing I'm the one who lost it. He got me bent"

"Y'all two stay into it"

"Cause Benji stresses me out. I love your son but I be ready to put my hands on him sometimes"

I heard the room door be pushed open so I looked back and saw Benji walk in the room playing with his watch on his wrist

"Nah finish talkin yo shit like you was just doing. You be ready to put yo hands on me ain it?"

"I said what I said!"

Benji sucked his teeth. "Ain even bout to stress yo ass. You found my shit?"

"No. You thought I was playing? After you went off on me the way you did earlier"

"Nah you gone find my shit. You always touch my stuff and it end up missing"

"Benji I ain touch that phone the hell is you talkin bout?"

"Who the hell else touched it then?!"

"Shit, YOU!"

"Don't y'all start that around my baby" his momma said on the phone and Benji sucked his teeth again

"And you always ready to call her so she can jump to yo defense"

"First of all she called ME. Now gone somewhere with the attitude cause forreal Dimitri you bout to piss me off! Doing too much for a stupid ass phone You'on even need"

"Dont tell me what I need"

"You don't! Last time I checked you said you was out the game so Whatchu need it for?"

"Y'all two.." ms Shonda laughed

"You lucky you holding my son cause I'll beatcho ass right now"

"That's your favorite thing to say but you ain that stupid now go back to wherever you came from cause I ain tryina head none of that"

The phone Benji did have started ringing so he reached in his pocket and pulled it out, answering it

"What?...... yeah, why....." Benji looked over at me then finished his phone conversation "oh, ight... yeah"

Benji hung up the phone and scratched his nose before looking at me again

"Where the phone at?" I asked him

"I left it at Meechie crib"

"OH! But IM the one that lost it"

"Nah cause you be touchin my shit and losing it"

"Okay but if I said I ain have it then I didn't"

Be laughed and tried to walk over to me and I pushed him back "no, stay over there. I'm good"

"Look at him now. Shamed" ms Shonda laughed again

"And he ain apologize yet ma" I told her as I put Hendrix on his pillow and Benji leaned down on the bed getting all in my face so I leaned back "move Benji. Cause I told you I ain had that phone"

"I'm sorry" he laughed

"I can't hear you. Be as loud as you was when you blamed me for losing it"

"I'm sorry! Damn"

"Mhmmm. I bet so"

"I love you"

"I love you too" I told him as he kissed me "but I still don't like you right now"

"You ain gotta like me. But you better love me"

"Mhmm. Bye Benji" I pushed his face back and he went and picked Hendrix up

"You bout to ride wimme"

"Who? My son?"

"Yeah. MY son"

I rolled my eyes and got up, going to one of his dressers and grabbed another pair of socks to match his outfit and put them on him

"Where his diaper bag?"

"Downstairs on the chair. How long you gone be gone?"

"Not long why?"

"Be careful with my baby Benji!"

"I got my son"

"It ain't you I'm talking about. You know what I mean"

"He straight. We'll be back"


I watched him walk out of the room and shook my head.

"He stay taking my baby from me"

"You know Benji selfish as hell with Hendrix" Ms Shonda told me

"Forreal but I'm not gone complain. He a great father"

"Yeah. I told him I was proud of him for how his is with you and Hendrix. Now all he gotta do is stay out the streets and put a RING on that finger"

"He been talking about that a lot lately, ion know what he got going on with that but he keep saying a ring coming soon. I'm not gonna rush him though"

"Well I am cause he ain got no reason to wait no longer. He keep saying he in love and y'all gotta baby. I'm surprised y'all not living together by now"

"We ain really talked about that till recently either because it was so much going on. But when I get back to work we'll be basically staying over there cause he'll have Hendrix during the day and it's pointless to not just stay there"

"You right, well as long as y'all got all of this figured out"

"We trying" I told her as Serenity walked into the camera

"Hey Kay"

"Hey Serenity"

She then looked down at ms Shonda "ma. Can you help me with this project"

"Hold on.. Kay ima call you back later"

"Okay" I responded before she hung up and I sat my phone down, about to clean up this room since I was here by myself now

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