Beginning of the End

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No one's POV:

Port: Yang Xiao Long and Mercury Black!

Ruby: (cupping her hands to make sure her encouragement is heard from her spot) Break a leg, sis!

(Y/N): Don't break his legs do!
(A/N: Bad call (Y/N))

Port: Would all other combatants please leave the stage!

The rest of the lineup does so, and Yang starts walking up to Mercury in the middle as the floor around them opens once more, with a ring of spotlights rising up to automatically fix their lights on the remaining two.

Yang: (smiling) You better not go easy on me.

Mercury: (laughing darkly) You wish.

Time skip

Port: (as Yang lowers her fists and closes her eyes, breathing a sigh of relief before opening them back up to her usual lilac and raising her arm in victory) What a way to kick off the finals!

Oobleck: (while the stage is enclosed by the stadium floor again) Yang Xiao Long wins!

Ruby: (splaying her arms in excitement) Yeah! You did it, sis!

Blake: (giving a standing ovation as Weiss pumps her fists) Way to go, Yang!

(Y/N): Great job firecracker!

(Y/N) looks around and sees Emerald to close to the stage...

(Y/N): What is she doing?

Yang: (wiping her brow with an arm as she addresses the hunched-over Mercury) Better luck next time.

She starts walking to the exit, getting pretty far away before Mercury seems to get up outside her peripheral vision.

Mercury: (murderously angry) There's not going to be a next time, Blondie!

A sharp sound is heard in the sudden silence as Yang turns around just in time to see Mercury leap forward with a kick to his unsuspecting victim.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I keep my eyes on Emerald for a moment and notice she is using her semblance.

(Y/N): Wait a minute..

I turn my attention to Yang and see her about to hit Mercury who is still in the floor.

(Y/N): Yang Wait! Is an Hallucinations!

It was too late Yang scowls as she just manages to both bring her gauntlet down on and shoot his leg. The second she does so, there is a sound of something breaking. The audience gasps in shock, and Mercury reels back from the pain.

Oobleck: (getting up from his chair) My word!

Port: (to someone offscreen) Cut the cameras!

Mercury: (still grasping his injured body part, rocking back and forth) My leg, MY LEG!

Yang: (trash talking) That's what you get, you little- Huh? (she stops just as she notices the Atlesian Knight-200 droids and two Soldiers circling the Huntress-in-training and raising their guns to her)

Soldier: Yang Xiao Long, stand down!

Yang: (not having a clue what's going on) What!? Why!?

Emerald: Mercury! (she rushes over to her partner's side, comforting him)

Mercury: (crying hysterically) Why'd she do that!? WHY'D SHE ATTACK ME!?

Yang receives a disgusted scowl from Emerald, only now looking up at the screens above her to see the footage of what just transpired: Yang circling the crouched-down Mercury until the footage cuts to him just standing there and her suddenly shooting him in the leg. The sound of something breaking rings out, and Mercury screams and falls over in pain.

It takes a moment of staring at the images until Yang finally understands what she did, and her gaze turns up to the wide-eyed, terrified faces of Blake, Weiss, and Ruby.

(Y/N): Oh! You little Emerald bitch!

I was going to beat her ass and explain why Yang was innocent but Ruby grabs my hand.

Ruby: What are you doing!? Why you call Emerald that!?

(Y/N): That bitch! Her semblance is Hallucinations! I saw her using it on Yang!

The girls eyes widened in understanding and in shock.

Blake: They won't believe you...there is not enough people who saw what you saw...

(Y/N): w-what!(sigh) Your right....but we need to help Yang!

Time skip

No one's POV:

Ironwood: (heard inside the room) I'm sorry, but you've left us with no choice.

Yang: (now inside the room, with her sitting on a bed angrily replying) But he attacked me!

Ironwood: (pacing around the room, not looking at her) Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise.

Weiss: (gesturing to her teammate from the other bed) But Yang would never do that!

(Y/N): She may get angry easily but she would never attack someone with no reason!

Ruby: (standing up from beside her sister) Yeah!

Ironwood: (he turns around as Yang sighs and places her head in her hands) You all seem like good students, and the staff here at Beacon are fully aware that you would never lash out the way you did... under normal circumstances. (continues as Ruby sits back down, the entire team looking despondent) What I believe and hope this to be is nothing more than the result of stress and adrenaline. When you're out on the battlefield, your judgment can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight is past... (with that last statement, he looks to the right while rolling his right shoulder)

Yang: But I wasn't-

Ironwood: (angrily stern) That's ENOUGH! (when the room falls silent, he goes on) The sad truth is, whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... you are disqualified.

Yang's shock turns into miserable understanding when she looks to the ground, and Ironwood leaves the room.

Yang: (when the door clicks shut, she turns to her friends) You guys believe me, right?

Ruby: Yeah! (Y/N) told us what happened!

Yang: W-wait! You know!

(Y/N): Obviously I saw Emerald using her semblance on you, that's why you attacked! I'm sorry, I knew but they would never believe me I'm the only one that saw it...(her ears fall flat in her head)

Blake pets (Y/N)'s ears and smiles at her.

Blake: Don't be sad there is nothing you could of done about it. (Turns to Yang) The point is that we believe you and (Y/N) Yang.

Yang: (tears form instantly) You guys are the best!

They all stand up and hug Yang.

(Y/N): We should probably go I want to watch Pyrrha's fight.

Ruby: Yeah! She's fitting against Penny!

Yang: Yeah you guys tell me who wins I think I'm gonna rest up.

Blake: (standing up with Weiss,(Y/N), and Ruby, all of them are smiling) We'll get out of your hair.

They start walking out but (Y/N) turns around and runs to kiss Yang's lips.

(Y/N): Rest well firecracker!

Yang smiles as the rest of her teammates walk out and close the door.

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