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Hello everyone. I have been wanting to write a Larry fic for so long and I am absolutely buzzing to be writing this. I know not many people are gonna read this and I'm not gonna get my hopes up but incase you are reading, a very big thankyou and here are some warnings -

- depression / self harm

- lgbtqa+

- there will be minor moments of other ships as well so pls don't blame me for it being "cringe"

- I tried to make it look like it's real but it's not. everything here is purely fictional

in case, you want to be friends, pleasee inbox me or go check out my instagram @stylezzeditz where I make edits (the cover for this story is made by me) and am an active part of the constantly clowning fandom hehe. I'd love to get in touch and know you all and your opinions as well <3

at last, I want to say, this is FICTIONAL. I love them all too much and would never want to harm or disrespect them in any way. Yes, I believe in Larry but it's not an opinion I would force on others.

I also want to say I believe in babygate as well. I know some people think it's disrespectful but pls realise that it's my opinion and by not letting me have it, you're being disrespectful. I used to think he looks like Louis too until I realised that he actually looks like exact replica of brett and he does look a lot like Tammi and Austin as well. So you can believe or not, I'm not trying to impose my opinion on you but in this story, Freddie is not Louis' so if you don't like that, you probably wouldn't want to read the story.

Lastly, thankyou for reading if you are and I will try to update whenever I get time.

one more thing - I'm from India so even though I will try to make it as US/UK as possible, if there is a mistake please let me know in comments.

please vote and comment opinions and suggestions and most importantly enjoy !

* social media -

- twitter / spotify / pinterest and wattpad - @ _stylezzlove_ *

- instagram - @ stylezzeditz

love, P


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