Chapter 3: Black coffee

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POV: Darryl
My alarm wake me up. 4:15 a.m.
early so I can make breakfast for my sister and have time to play.
I sit up and put my feet on the ground. I stand up and walk over to my closet.
I open it. I'm greeted with black and red. The only colors I really were.
I pick out one of my favorite pair of pants. They're blank cargo styled pants. To go with them I put on a black hoodie with some red details. I got it from my brother. He always loved the color black. He said it reminded him of home. That it gave him a safe feeling that he's never been able to feel before. I didn't understand him back then. But I do now.
He has always been a strange human being. No one ever figured out what his condition was. No one ever did. They thought it was a depression. But he was happy. He never felt down or sad. His live was filled with happiness.
I shake of the thought of him and pick up my notes and books to take them with me. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen. My mom has already left for work. I put some water to boil and get some bread from a shelf. I put two slices of it into a toaster and turn it on.
I take some coffee powder in a cup and pour the hot water over it. I open the fridge to look for milk. None. Darn it. I usually drink my coffee with milk. I don't like black coffee.

The toast pop up and i put one on my plate and one on my sisters. Then I go get some cream cheese and spread it on the toast.
I sit down by the table and take a bite. The cream cheese on toast has been my favorite breakfast for literally years. No kidding. Years.
I take another bite and a sip from my coffee. I make a weird face when I drink the bitter coffee. Forgot it was black.
I hear my sister walk down the stairs half awake half asleep. She yawns and stretches her body. "H-hi..." she mumbles.
I give her a smile before taking another bite.
"We have no more ham, so I didn't know what you wanted on your toast." I say sinking my food.
She nods and walks over to the fridge.

I finish my food and walk upstairs to chill out a bit before heading to school.
I like to have some time alone in the mornings. Some time where I can just sit and do whatever.
Right now I feel like playing some Minecraft. Just a little.
I turn on my computer and wait for it to open.
Then I join a server I've been playing on for awhile.
I mess around with some of my friends on there. Most of them are homeschooled. I'd love to be homeschooled. My goodness. I'd love it.
I've never been a fan of school. I'm alright in most classes. But I don't like it. The pressure is alright. That's not the problem. The problem is the people there. People who pick on you for behind a "nerd". I don't have a problem with being picked on. I'm quite alright with it. It's the attention I'm getting. I hate attention. I would prefer to just sit in the corner of the class and just be ignored. I guess that's kinda close to reality... now that I come to thing about it. But still. Attention is the worst.

Time passes fast and it's already time for me to leave. I say bye and turn off my computer. I walk out on the toilet to brush my teeth and hair. My hair is a rusty brown color with a few strands a bit lighter. Making my hair look damaged and dry. I don't really mind tho. I don't care about my overall looks. All I know is just that I'm not falling under the stereotypes. Fine with me.

I walk down the stairs and find my sister still eating food.
"Shouldn't you also be going?" I ask her with a joking voice.
She looks up at me. "My first class is cancelled, so i can stay home longer." She answers smiling.
I nod my head and grab my bag, packing my school stuff. I put on my black boots and head out. On the way out I grab my jacket of the hanger and close the door.

The air is cold on my warm skin. I shiver a bit and take on my jacket. The sky is still a bit dark.
I walk down the dirt road leading to the street my school is on.
I walk with fast steps to keep warmth in my legs. It's a bit foggy.
I reach the street and start waking towards my school.
Then I see him again.
He's 30 feet ahead of me on his phone. Looks like he's texting someone from what I can see. He looks up and puts away his phone. He's standing still. I don't wanna walk past him. I walk across the street to the other side to avoid him.
I'm kinda curious if he's okay. But he has to be. He's standing up and heading to school so he has to be ok.
I turn my head to see if he's still standing still. He's not. He's actually not there? Where did he go?

I don't get to think more about it before a well known voice breaks the silence around me.
"Heyyyy Baddddd." A nickname some of my friends online gave me.
"Hi Dream." I answer and smile at him.
He smiles back.
"You didn't join teamspeak yesterday. We were playing Among us." Clay says with a sarcastic sad voice.
"I had no time yesterday. I'm sorry Dreamnmmm." I say.
He chuckles and stares at me with half closed eyes. "You better join this afternoon." He says with a deep voice.
"I will i will I promise!"
"Oh!" Clay punches me in the shoulder. "What!?" I ask.
"Have you heard about the fight at school?" Clay says exited. I shake my head.
"The new kid got beaten up by someone, they're pretty sure it was Arran, Jacob and George. And the coolest thing right? Someone came to the rescue and singlehanded took on all of them!" He punches me in the shoulder again. I let out a little ouch.
"Yeah yeah pretty cool." I answer.
"You're dammm right! Pretty fucking cool!"
"Language you raggamuffin!" I sigh.
"Language to you too." He chuckles.

We enter the school and promise to eat lunch together in the break. I walk down the hallway filled with students. Noisy students.
I find my locker and take out some books. My first class is Mathematics. Hopefully I can get my seat in the back of the class.

I enter the classroom. It's completely empty. I find my seat.
Weird. It's usually not this empty. Then I hear students shout and laugh.
Students rush by out in the hallway. Is something happening?
I stand up and walk over to the doorway. Down the hallway I see a large group of people standing. What?
And exactly what it is... I feel like I already knew.
I walk towards the crowd. People are shouting something. I push through the wall of students. What is this?
Then I see them.
Rolling around on the ground.
It's raven hair boy. It's Zak. I could've guessed.
The other boy is someone from my English class. He has flaming red hair. I think his name is Keith. 
Zak is sitting on top of Keith getting good hits on him. Punching him.
Keith is doing good in defending himself, but Zak gets some good hits in.
No one's gonna stop them? What are people doing? I need to get a teacher.
But I can't. I can't get out of the crowd. Darn it.
I turn around to find raven hair boy now under Keith. Keith is bigger and stronger build than Zak. I'm surprised Zak isn't more beaten up.
Keith strikes for Zak's face. He hits him on the chin and knees him in the stomach.
Someone needs to stop this!
I can hear teachers shout. But there's too many students.
I push though so I can get closer to the fight. I'm gonna have to do something. And it's gonna be now.
I squeeze through two students shouting and screaming. A teacher has made their way in. It's the PE teacher.
She grabs Keith's shoulder and pulls him up will full force. She's stronger than she looks.
Keith is furious and is about to jump back at Zak when another teacher shows up. He grab Keith from behind. He's talking to Keith trying to calm him down.
Zak stands up with a big bruise on his chin and a bloody lip. He looks around on the crowd before meeting my eyes. His left eye is slightly swollen.
The PE teacher shouts that the show is over and that people need to get going.

People start to scatter now that the fight is over.
I don't move.
Zak is talking to the teacher with a calm expression while Keith looks frustrated.
The male teacher takes Keith away.
Zak and the PE teacher walks the other direction.

I didn't see Zak or Keith for the rest of the day.
I didn't really mind tho. Keith I have no opinion on and Zak? Well I barely know the guy. The only things I know is that his reputation with George, Jacob and Arran is long gone, and that he's the kind of person to get in fights.
The kind of person to stay away from.

I get home from school exhausted. It's been 8 days since the fight and the school have never been more silent. Nothings happening. All students keep low.
I myself haven't been able to stop thinking about Zak.
Where is he? Is he home? Did they expelled him? Maybe only for two weeks? I have no idea.
Part of me is happy he's gone. But the other part is genuinely curious about this raven haired boy. Who he is. What he keeps to himself.

I don't care about people. I never did. I never will care about people. It's just how I am. But those short amounts
of time me and Zak had interactions made me want to know more about him.
I've always been the curious type. But not when it comes to people.
I guess it's just a part of growing up? Starting to get the urge to get connections with other people?
I guess?
Wassuhhh. ThAt's nice. So Zak's a real bad boy eh? Or is the bad boy actually a soft boy? Owo owo owo owo
Aight bye little toes :}
Lotsa luv -Grilled cheese

Word count: 1830

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