Chapter 8: Pouring rain

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POV: Darryl
Some time passes. I'm scribbling on a piece of paper I ripped out of my note book.
Zak went downstairs. He supposedly needed to get some water. He's been gone for 5 minutes now, but I'm too lazy to go down and check what he's doing.

"DARRYLLL!" I hear Zak shout from downstairs.
I look up and sigh. I stand up and walk over to the doorway. "WHAT?!" I shout back.
When I don't get an answer I walk downstairs. Where's he at?
I walk into the living room. He's sitting on the floor with the controller from the wii. I got it for my sister last Christmas. Me and my sister loves playing on it. She sucks at it though-

Zak turns his head and looks at me. "This thing's a wii right?" He asks.
I nod.
"Can we like- i don't know- maybe play on it?" Zak smicker.
I stop to think about it. I have nothing better to do now anyways so why not?
"Sure." I shrug.

We sit with a length of an arm between us, each with a controller. I'm scrolling through the different games we have. Zak's eyes scan over the screen waiting for one he likes.
"Wait, that one!" Zak almost shouts.
I stop scrolling. Wii exercise?
"No dump head not that one." Zak says. I inhale but Zak speak before i get to speak.
"I'm jokinggg." Zak sniggers.
I squeeze my eyes together. "Sure you are."
Zak laughs and snatches my controller out of my hands.
"Let me find it. You're too slow to understand anyways." He teases. Not gonna succeed in that this time though! I won't get mad!

"Give it back." I say.
Zak looks at me and spouts. "Why are you the one who gets to have the main controller?"
"Don't put the blame on me! You could've chosen that one!"
"Well. I choose this one now! Heh"
Zak looks at the screen and starts scrolling through the games.
I shake my head and sigh, leaning back in the couch.

After a while Zak still hasn't found any useful material.
"Why do you have all these boring as fuck games." Zak groan.
"Language and no, they're not boring, you just have a bad taste in games." I say glancing at Zak.
"I have a bad taste?!"
"Yeah! Obviously." I try to tease him.

He ignores me and continues searching for a game.
"Geez how many games do you have?" Zak exclaim.
I have a lot. My sister loves buying new games she doesn't even use.

"WAIT you have mariokart?!" Zak yell and I shudder from the chock of the sudden loud sound.
"Darn it Zak! Don't just shout out of nowhere!"
He giggles. "I'm sorry."
I roll my eyes. Surely he is-
"But yeah we do have mariokart." I say slightly irritated.
Honestly I don't want to play mariokart with Zak. Last time I played it was with my sister i got completely rekt.
Zak seems like he might be pretty good at mariokart so I'm not sure if I want to play.
"Let's do that!" Zak says exited.
I sigh again. Let's just get this over with...

He picks the game and it opens up. He gives me the controller back and we choose characters. I choose baby peach as usual.
"Baby peach?" Zak chuckles.
"Yeah what's wrong with that?" I ask, reminding myself not to get irritated.
"Nothing, the character suits you." Zak giggles.
He chooses Bowser. Yeah, he seems like the type of guy to choose Bowser.
We select two different teams and a map. I choose my favorite map, Moo Moo Meadows.

"Moo Moo Meadows, this is gonna be easy!" Zak exclaim exited. Oh no-
He changes his position and sits gross-legged. 
On the screen the countdown begins.
I get a good start with the extra boost. I swing by Donkey Kong and reach another boost. I'm not in the lead but I'm not in the back either.

I have no idea where Zak is and I look down at his part of the split screen. He's way behind. He's hitting everything he can possibly hit on the road. Wow- he's actually worse than me at this. I let a little giggle out hoping he didn't hear it.

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