Chapter 5: I liked it better when you were quiet

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POV: Darryl
"HAHAA FUCK YEAHH!" Zak shouts.
"WHATT NO!" I shout back.
He won. He won 5-2.
He's way better than me. Way better than I thought. I spin around to face him.
"You're gonna be my servant from now on ending tomorrow night!" Zak laughs.
"Ermmm what no!"
"That was the forfeit Darryl! No backing out!"
"I'm not! I just though these rounds where practice..." I try.
"WHAT?! No of course not! Don't try this again!"
Gosh darn it.
"Say it." Zak says.
"Say what?" I ask confused.
"Say you're my servant!"
"What?! No! I won't"
Zak pouts and crosses his arms.
"Okay fine... Zak... I'm from now on your servant until tomorrow night..."
"THANK YOU! And yes you are." Zak smirks at me again and giggles.

We sit in silence for around 1 minute before I hear a door shut downstairs. My sister isn't home yet, it's probably her. I hear her walk around downstairs probably making cup noodles.
"So. The first thing you need to do slave... is... make my homework..." Zak snickers.
"What no I can't just make it for you!?"
"Yeah you can." Zak says.
"No. That's not allowed on the school."
"Urg. Why do you need to follow the rules anyway? Are you like the teachers pet or something?" Zak mocks.
"Heh no. I'm not. I just think the rules are there for a reason?"
Zak sprouts again.
"Stop that."
He meets my eyes and tilts his head.
Why can't I say no...
"OK. Fine fine. I can help you with it."
"No make it for me!" Zak pushes.
"I can't!"
"What the fuck dude. It's not illegal?"
"Sort of yeah. It is!" I say. "Also. You gotta stop swearing so much." I look at him.
"Nah I'm good." He answers back.
His expression tells me he's searching for a way to make me do his homework.
"Listen here Zak. I'm not gonna do your homework for you. But I can help?" Zak stares at me with an innocent expression. Then his expression changes.
"Urggehrh fineee. But you're gonna really help me alright?" Zak exclaim.
"I reassure you I will." I answer.

We sit on my bed facing each other, leaning my back on the wall.
His notes and books lays between of us.
I'm trying to explain an equation. He keeps gazing off staring at me and not at the notes.
"Zak. Attention to the equations please."
"Oh uhm yeah sorry. Dozed off there."
He looks down on my notes and makes an unsatisfied sound.
"What?" I ask.
"I don't understand your notes. Could you explain them again?"
I shake my head.
"You gotta concentrate. I'm only repeating myself one more time."
He nods and I start over.

"You got it now?" I ask him.
"Then what's the answer for this equation?" I draw a circle around the equation.
He looks down on it and raises an eyebrow.
What has be been doing since he already forgot?
"It's uhm... it's..."
I raise both my eyebrows.
"...Ehmmm..." Zak mumbles.
I wait for him to answer fully aware he has no clue.
About 30 seconds pass and I interrupt his thoughts.
"It's 4."
"Yep! 4! That is the answer I also came to." Zak tries to laugh it off.
But his laugh dies out.
I look at him and he meets my eyes again.
"You sure you understood why the answer was 4?" I ask him.
"Can't we just take a break from this. My brain is literally melting..."
"Melting from what?"
"From all the studying and using my high IQ brain. What else?"
I try to hide a chuckle.
"Yeah that's right, I am pretty funny!" Zak looks at me with a proud expression.
"I thought you had some disease that caused you to lose your ability to smile not gonna lie..." Zak goes on.
"No you muffin head. I'm just used to being around clever people and you amuse me."
Zak stares at me without saying anything. Then he launches at me pinning me down on my bed with his knees on both sides of my body. His body weight presses against my chest.
He grabs both my arms and pressed them down on the bed over my head so I can't use them.
"You're so unfair you know that?" He whispers.
I try to escape but he pins me down even harder.
"You take what you just said back buddy." Zak says not smiling or giving it away that this is just a joke.
I'm staring to get nervous. Maybe he is easily triggered? Am I going to die? I know nothing about combat...
Then he loosens his grip and burst out laughing.
He tries to make out a sentence but his laughing drowns it.
"YOU...YOUU.. YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FUCKING FACE." He loosens his grip on my arms and plops down on the bed besides me still laughing like a maniac.
"THAT WAS NOT FUN! YOU... YOU." He cuts me off.
"Scared you?"
Zak giggles.
"Oh I'm sure."
I sit up and scoot back to rest my back against the wall.
"You're a meany..." Now it's my turn to spout.
Zak giggles again moving a bit closer to me resting his head on my legs.
He closes his eyes and runs a hand through is even more messy raven hair.
It looks so soft...

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