Chapter 4: Monday

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POV: Darryl
I'm early in class again. No sight of the raven haired boy.
It's Monday.
I like Mondays.

I'm starting to think that he was expelled. I guess it makes sense. He got into a fight twice on two days. Both times he and his opponent got hurt.
The teacher enters the class and I realize everyone's already here. I guess I got lost in my thoughts.
The teacher starts talking, showing things on the projector screen. I zone out multiple times. This is really really unlike me.
Can't help it. I just can't concentrate.

I manage to take down a couple of notes before the class ends.
People rush out. I stand up and take my bag.
"Darryl?" The teacher asks.
I turn my attention to the teacher.
"Yes miss?"
"You're doing really good in English and we have a new student who needs tutoring. I was wondering if you'd be up to helping?" She asks with a smile.
I stop to think about it.
"When would it be?" I ask.
"Oh only one time a week. Monday or Wednesday depends on when you can?"
I've tutored a couple of students in need before, so doing it again won't hurt I guess.
"I can Monday?"
The teacher smiles. "Very good then. After school you'll meet them down in the library." I nod and turn around.
"Oh and Darryl?"
I look back at her.
"Thank you very much!"

The day goes on as usual. For once me and Clay actually eat lunch together, talking about games and homework. I sit with his friends. They seem pretty nice actually... I feel bad for judging them before I knew them.
We laugh and joke around. Or... when I say "we" I mostly mean them and Clay. I laugh along as good as I can.
Turns out they also play Minecraft. We plan to play together on a server later tonight.

I lean back in my seat. We have a math test today and I've finished early.
I glance out of the window. Some kids use the basketball course. A short guy has the ball passing it to his teammate.
I watch their little game while the rest of the class finishes their tests.

In PE we did the usual. A bit of soccer a bit of learning and a whole lot of running.
I don't like any kind of activity where you need just a slight amount of physical strength.
I do try to run every once in a while just to stay healthy.
You can't blame me for having an athletic figure either. I'm like a stick in the air.
I guess I'm just the typical gamer guy.

I walk out of the change rooms. Heading for the library with long steps. The hallways are filled with student as usual. Escaping school.
Right now I'd wish I could just go home. But I won't. It's only one hour anyways and I can survive that.
I text my mom that I will be home later not expecting to get an answer. I put my phone away and pushes the door to the library open.
A couple of students sit at some tables making their homework. I really should've asked who it was and maybe I could've found a picture of the person. I don't even know if they're male or female.
I scan the seatings. No ones sitting alone. Maybe there's two people who needs tutoring? No. The teacher would've said so.
Maybe the person is looking at books? It's a library after all.
I scout the library looking down at all the bookshelves.
Then I see a person looking through some books on a shelf.
I approach the person. I can't see their face.
"Hi excuse me?"
They turn around. It's a younger boy with bright blue eyes and flaming ginger hair. Short hair with little curls.
"Can I help you?" He asks.
"Are you the new kid who needs tutoring?" I ask him.
"Nope that's not me." He says smiling.
I sigh. "Alright sorry for asking then." I try to smile back.
"No worries. However I think I know someone who was supposed to get tutoring today?"
I look at him.
"He's one of my friends. His name is-"
The finder haired boy gets cut off by someone yelling.
I turn around to see who's calling.
A raven haired boy walking fast down towards us. It's Zak.
"Oh heyyy mannn! I didn't actually think you would come down here." The ginger haired boy who's name is probably Calvin says chuckling.
Zak stops when he sees me.
"I believe I've found your tutor" Nick says smirking.
"Oh shut up Calvin." Zak says staring at Calvin not even giving me one glance.
So Zak is the one I'm supposed to tutor. Yay...
"Why so salty puppy boy." Calvin says with a joking voice.
"Nothingggg just shut the fuck up."
Zak snaps.
Calvin laughs and pats me on the back.
"Good luck with him tall guy, you're gonna need it. He's salty today." Calvin laughs again.
"Could you fuck off Calvin?" Zak asks.
"Sure sure, imma be on my way" Calvin rolls his eyes and starts walking away.
Zak sigh and turn his attention to me.
"Come." Zak starts walking away with his bag over his shoulder.
"Wait what?" I say and run up besides him.
"I don't want it to be in this filthy as library." He continues walking.
"Where would you suggest then?" I ask.
"At your house."
Wait what? No way. Not at my house.
"But but-"
"No buts just accept it and get over it. I have decided."
I shut up and walk besides him towards the schools exit.
I can't believe him.

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