|Chapter 5|part 1/2

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Leon kuwata

My father never really yelled. But he never had too. He's always been physical...in more ways than one. He didn't look at me as though I were a child and he had perverted his image of me in doing so. I remember certain faces he made towards me, touching, certain gestures and words that encouraged the wrong thing.

He always kept close in a way that made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe. It got worse after mom left. I can't blame her for leaving...I just didn't understand why she didn't take me with her. She never called either never tried to get in touch, neither did anyone on her side of the family. I was simply forgotten...nothing more than a part of her past. Leaving me...with him..in our tiny one bedroom apartment.

We had to share a bed. He always kept me close to him. I knew even as a child I should've been comforted by his embrace..but I wasn't. Thankfully he never tried anything...at least while I was awake.

Going to hopes peak was a life saver as I would finally have somewhere other than home to spend my time at. Meeting Hagakure was like being able to breath again. Like I finally was able to escape the hell I had been trapped in for years. But all that was torn away from me when we got the announcement we would have to return home for spring break. I tried asking Hagakure if I could stay with him. He agreed at first but his mom didn't really want any visitors since there was alot of people coming already

It was like I could feel the life being drained out of me as I got closer to the house. As I stepped onto the porch I held my breath and rung the door bell...


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