|Chapter 5| 2/2

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Leon kuwata
As I heard the door open I looked down at the floor. I couldn't see his face but the fear was still there. I walked inside and was floored by the overpowering smell of alcohol and cigarettes that nearly made me throw up on the spot. This sent a wave of unpleasant memories rushing back as every morning while getting ready for school I would always have the toxic smell invading my senses.

I could tell he was behind me. His shadow loomed over me and I felt him pull me towards him. A hug.

'Welcome home'

I felt disgusted with myself. I knew I shouldn't have come here. But it was too late...I would have to spend the rest of my break...alone...with him.

As nighttime approached I got more and more anxious as I knew what would have to happen since he still lived in our old tiny apartment with one bedroom..and one bed. Even if I hid somewhere he would most likely find me and make me sleep there anyway so I had no choice. Once it was finally time to go to bed I reluctantly crawled in. And I felt that familiar embrace.

I couldn't sleep...I didn't wanna sleep. Because I was afraid of what might happen if I did. But I eventually came to the conclusion sleeping was better than just laying there, anxious. But...it was hard to ignore his wandering hands...

I felt violated..and ashamed. My own father, the man who should've raised me and made sure I felt safe was touching me. I wanted to burst into tears but I couldn't let that happen. He always liked to make me cry...he thought it was funny. "Please stop..." I whispered trying to hide the shakiness of my voice. He didn't stop...

The next morning we didn't speak to eachother. But I could feel his eyes on me..every inch of me. I ran into the bathroom and scrolled through my contacts. Eventually I texted Taka asking if I could come over. Thank god he texted back and he agreed. I immediately gathered my things and left. Once I was far away enough from my house I called Taka and told him I was on my way.

I let out a sigh of relief and hugged myself finally letting the tears I had been holding in start flowing out. I held back violent sobs and cupped a hand over my mouth. And soon I saw Taka's house come into view


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