Chapter Ten: The Continuation

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Zak wakes up and is, at first, wondering where he is but soon remembers that he's at the hotel. He gets up and looks at Darryl who is peacefully sleeping. He smiles and then walks to the bathroom. He takes a quick shower and walks out to see Darryl just barely waking up.
"Z-Zak..hi I'm gonna go take a shower..."
"No time, they asked us to be back the station by 9 PM." Zak says, practically dragging Darryl out of bed. Darryl quickly gets his clothes on and the two start to exit the hotel room.
"Ew, I can't believe you didn't shower." Zak says.
"Relax I'm just trolling." Zak says with a mischievous look. The boys take the elevator down to the parking garage below the hotel and find Darryl's car which, to Zak's surprise, nothing has happened to. They quickly are able to drive to the station and check in and they find Detective Anderson who leads them to Patch's office. Weirdly, Patch isn't there.
"Hmm. That's strange, I just saw him here about ten minutes ago." Anderson says. Darryl is the only one that doesn't seem worried nor confused since he's still a bit tired. Anderson decides to lead them to her office, which she does. She sits down at her desk.

"Please, have a seat. Now, we know this crime is a targeted one after what we saw in the bathroom and on the car. That doesn't help us much, it could be a crazy fan of yours or even someone close to you. All I can ask for you to do right now is to never under any circumstances stay in the same place. If you stay in one hotel for the rest of the investigation, they can track you down and something could happen to you." Anderson explains.

"Well what if we stay in one hotel and you have officers stake out until someone suspicious comes up to our room?" Zak asks.

"Unfortunately, we've already thought about that and we think that if we do that, there's risk of them finding out our plans and maybe finding a secret way of getting in and hurting anyone." Anderson responds.

"Well, wouldn't the same be true for the current plan? They could find out which hotels we're going to and hurt someone." Zak says.

"There's less of a chance of them finding out the exact hotels you go to, especially if you don't tell anyone. There's more of a chance of them finding out which ONE hotel you go to and that would be suspicious to them, and they'd find out our plans. Therefore, sticking with what we're currently doing is the best plan." Anderson says.

"Okay, we'll do as you say." Zak says. Darryl looks over at Zak. Zak's face looks as if he's annoyed with the situation.

"Well that being said, I guess we're done here." Anderson announces to the two of them. Zak quickly stands up and gives the fakest smile anyone had ever seen as he walks out of Anderson's office. Zak and Darryl exit the police station as Darryl asks,"Is something bothering you? Are you okay?" There's a moment of silence as Zak speeds up his walking.

"We're going with my plan, staying in one place is not gonna work." Zak finally says.

"Zak, we're not the experts here, they've probably been doing this for years maybe they're ri-"

"Wrong. We aren't trained but we aren't stupid." Zak cuts him off. They get into the car and start driving off as Zak calls up a few of his friends.
Zak and Darryl get a knock at their hotel door. Standing there is Clay (Dream), Nick (Sapnap), George (Spifey), and Harvey (TapL).

"Guys thanks for coming on such short notice. Here's the plan, Clay, you will be at the front of the hotel, watch for anyone with black clothing, an unusually small amount of luggage, and that seems overly paranoid. George, look for the same at the parking garage with Harvey. Nick, you need to patrol this floor of the hotel and make sure no one tries to enter our room. If any of you see anything, call or text me." Zak says. Zak looks over and sees Darryl who seems very worried and looks like he's having a mini panic attack. Zak walks over to him.

"Babe, don't worry, this is the only way we even have a chance of finding out who this person is." Zak says, trying to comfort him. They hit each other and Zak sends his friends to their spots as he and Darryl sit in their hotel room as if everything is normal and for about thirty minutes, it was normal. No one had contacted Zak and the two in the hotel room didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
Down in the parking garage with George and Harvey
"George you see anything?" Harvey says with minimum volume. No answer.
"George?" Harvey says again, a bit louder. Suddenly he hears a distant scream about twenty feet to his right and he quickly darts to go see what it is. He sees George on the ground, his shirt ripped almost as if he'd been fighting, a scratch mark over his right cheek and a deep stab wound in his left arm. Harvey looks over to his left and sees a dark figure running for the elevator and he chased after it. The figure is able to get into the elevator and the doors shut before Harvey can reach the figure. Harvey turns around and sees George limping to him and he falls to the ground. Harvey quickly grabs him and pulls his phone out of his pocket to call 911.
The fifth floor's hallway
Nick is standing in the hallway, ten feet away from Zak and Darryl's hotel room and he hears the elevator coming up from the lower floors and the doors open. He thinks nothing of it as he continues just playing on his phone which he'd been doing for a while after he got bored of just waiting. He hears the footsteps of a person walking out of the elevator slowly. He hears them walk further down the hallway and right in front of a door. And suddenly he hears the sound of someone banging on a door. He spins around and sees someone stabbing at Zak and Darryl's door. Nick runs at this person and they see him and dart towards the elevator which doesn't open, so they rush to the stairs. Nick looks at the door and sees the word "homo" carved into the door.
In the hotel room with Zak and Darryl
"ZAK DID YOU HEAR THAT?!?!!" Darryl says, startled out of his mind after hearing the sound. Zak doesn't respond he just stands there horrified, staring at the door, frozen in fear. This is almost an exact opposite of how he looked earlier. He was fearless and done with being scared but now, he looked like he feared for his life. Darryl looked down at his phone and saw ten messages from George. The first few messages, he seemed calm, saying there was nothing to report. The last few he reported seeing a dark figure standing behind a car, staring at him. At that moment, Darryl believed George might be dead. He sprung up and grabbed Zak's hand. Zak held Darryl tight. Zak was shaking uncontrollably and breathing unbelievably hard. The door finally opened and it was...the police, announcing that they were safe. There were two people there they recognized, Officer Patch and Detective Anderson. Anderson had a face of pure hatred and disappointment in her face. Almost reminiscent of a mother disappointed in her children. They were taken to the station where Anderson yelled at them for what felt like eternity.

"YOUR FRIEND COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!! YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!!" Was just a small piece of the long lecture Anderson gave.
"But, luckily we have a new suspect and new evidence." Anderson announces.
"Who's the suspect?" Darryl asks.
"Your friend, Clay."

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