You are perfect

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Blue pearl's POV

I sat and watched as yellow and blue diamond disscused things and what not, suddenly something sat next to me, I couldn't really tell with the bangs in my face but I'm pretty sure it was yellow pearl.

I looked back at the diamonds as they slowly began to walk away.

"There they go again... why do they always leave?" Pearl groaned,

I stayed quiet.

I then felt her stare on me, it made me uncomfortable...

"Question why do you never talk when I'm around...?" She asked,

Becuase I'm in love with you... and I would be awkward.

I stayed silent,

I then felt her moved closer, she placed her hand on mine. My face started to have a deeper color from me blushing.

"Blue?," she said, she was really close close enough to where I could feel her breath on my skin.

My gem lit up making me freeze from fear.

"Blue... why is your gem-" she was cut off by our diamonds yelling,

"Pearl!" They both yelled.

We both got up yellow took her time while I sonic dashed away from yellow.

Yellow pearl's POV

Blue's gen lit up... along with mine, but I'm pretty sure she didn't notice. Usually gems only light up when your a foot or less next to your crush.

I sighed and ran up to blue. We were a foot apart and  just as I got to her my gem lit up along with hers.

"Never mind pearls!" They yelled agian,

Blue stopped while I jumped from their voices loosing my balance. I ended up falling and embarrassing myself.

"Are you ok....?" I heard blue's voice. Her voice was so sweet, I've missed hearing her beautiful voice.

I sighed and answered as I got up, "Yea I'm fine" I smiled.

I faced her and agian just like before our gems lit up. "Oh stars I've missed hearing your voice..." I mumbled.

"Huh?" She said looking puzzled.

"I said.... Can we catch up or something?" I asked,

Blue stared as she grabbed my hand and walked to her room.

She then let go of my hand and sat down, she patted next to her signaling for me to sit down next to her. I could feel blush go across my face. But I did as I was told and sat down. Agian our gems lit up, I sighed.

"Blue...?" She glanced at me wondering why I said her name.

"Hmm?" She question,

"This might be a personal question but..." I trailed off.

"Go on. I'm listening" the sound of her voice made me feel this throbbing in my chest.

"Why do you always hide your face?... or well what does your face look like underneath your bangs?" I asked shyly not sure if I should've asked it or not.

"Becuase, I'm not normal like you yellow..." she answered, which puzzled me.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at her,

"Do you promise not to tell the diamonds..." she asked.

"Of course I won't tell the diamonds! Blue no matter what you'll always be perfect..." my gem lit up brighter, which made me grumble as I tried to make stop.

I then looked to the side to see blue herself with her bangs pushed to the side.

She didn't face me so I didn't know what she thought was wrong with her.

"Do you mind facing me?" I asked, she did what she was told and I saw that she has one eye, not two. She wasn't a cyclops, she had one eye placed where it should go but the other one was just gone.

"Blue..." I said, as she turned away from me and started to sniffle signaling she was crying.

I grabbed her chin and made her face me, "blue, you beautiful... no mater what you look like... your beautiful" I smiled.

"Thank you yellow," she sighed as she layed on my chest but made sure not on my gem.

Blue pearl's POV

I rested my head on her chest making sure I didn't put my head on her gem, and I was happy. Usually gems light up when they like someone that's close to them. And Yellow and my Gems were both glowing.

"YELLOW!" Yellow diamond yelled,

"Aww... quite awful I have to go so soon..." she whined, which only made me giggle. I got off her chest and sat up so she could go.

She got up but then stopped and looked back at me, she smiled as she kissed me where my left eye was supposed to be.

This of course made me flustared, "remember you... are... perfect.." she whispered as she walked off.

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