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First person warning...


Honestly, the amount of people dying these past weeks are too much. Way too much. 

I still have nightmares about Kendra's body and now Fiammetta too?

Ugh. Overkill, Neverseen, totally an overkill. 

Pun not intended. 

I hate them. Litterally. 

I actually quite agree with Keefe on Mommy dearest not winning any nicest mom awards, she deserves to rot in Tartarus. 

The only good thing these days is that Keefe and Sophie got together. Which is a good thing because daily Sophie crying sessions are a common thing. I envy her. I don't think I have any tears left to cry. 

Fiammetta's Wanderling planting was on a Sunday, warm and sunny. I cursed the sun. To be so happy on such a sad day, it's a crime punishable by death. 

Stina was a mess. Sure, we all felt sad about Fia's death, but Stina looked worse than all of us added together. She dropped a lot of weight (If that was even possible with her beanpole body) and looked like she'd spent that last few days cooped up in her room, crying. 

Believe it or not,  we found another note were we wanted to plant Fia's Wanderling. Right beside Kendra's. 

Join us, or more will die. 

Fat chance guys. I ripped the note completely and the wind carried it off. Curse the Neverseen. 

Hope seemed to have come to Kendra's Wanderling. She had painted a sign and hung it on one of the lower boughs of Kendra's tree. 

Not Dead, Just Sleeping

It was enough to throw Linh into tears, and then Stina started crying, and we all started crying. We just stood there for a few moments, crying our eyes out. 

Finally, Stina held out her hand, and dropped Fia's seed, coiled with a streak of Fia's black hair. 

Fia's tree grew impossible fast. Soon, it became an ideal tree for climbing. Tall, thick trunk, and lots of branches. 

It had red leaves, a fiery as the flame she constantly sparked in her hand. There were flowers of midnight blue, which smelled of unicorns and pastures. Stina sniffled. The trunk was black, it matched Kendra's. 

We lined up, it was a short line, but it seemed forever to get to Stina. She looked lost, like she didn't know what to do next. It was heart-breaking to watch. 

After all the others left, Me, Maybelle, and the triplets stayed behind. I inspected the tree. It seemed as though Fiammetta had wanted us to climb her wanderling. I stepped carefuly on the first branch. The leaves giggled. 

The inside of the tree was almost empty. The branches spread far and wide around the middle. I counted 7 places where people could sit. Each made just for each of us. The empty seats would be filled by Kendra and Fia. Like they knew they would come back. 

But they were dead. I had seen Kendra's body, and the Neverseen rarely lies about deaths. 

In the tree, we starting sobbing again, at the last gift Fiammetta ever gave us. 

Hope. Hope that they will come back one day. 


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