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The girl stepped out of the shadows.

"Fotana?" She yelled across the room at Fintan.

Fintan froze, and barely blocked the attack made by Sophie.

The girl smirked, as she saw Fintan's horrified expression.

She looked like her face was frozen on age 16, but one look at her pointy ears and you knew that she was way older than 16. She had soft blue eyes and loosely braided hair. There were freckles dotted across her nose.

Fiammetta raised her eyebrows at the girl from across the room.

"But you died!" Fintan yelled at her, "You can't be alive. You died in Exile." his voice cracked.

"I didn't. I escaped." The girl responded. "But I think I might have chose the wrong side from the start. Maybe you did too." The last part was so soft that Faith's ears strained to catch it.

"Hestia, please." Fintan tried pleading with him.

Hestia shook her head, her braid swaying slightly.

"You taught me way better than you realized."

At the same time, without warning, the two pyrokinetic pushed balls of flames at each other and they collided, causing a massive explosion in mid-air.

Now with Fintan occupied, they were freer to battle other members, who still seemed a bit shocked at the battle of the pyrokinetic. Ruy was still performing well, and it took Tam, Wylie, and Maybelle to constantly break his force-fields. Dex also threw some random gadgets at the force-fields too.

Fitz was battling a hooded member, and the member already seemed wounded. Biana was attacking at random. She seemed to be more of a hit-and-run person. Sophie, Elizabeth and Keefe were trying to retrain Gisela, who seemed to be taunting them. Elizabeth suddenly smacked her and that put an end to the taunting.

All seemed well. And for a fleeting, glorious, moment they seemed like they were winning.

But that moment was quickly broken.

"Put you weapons down unless you want her to be blasted to pieces!" Vespera yelled from across the room.

Uh-oh, they seemed to have forgotten about that no-good, evil, murdering, piece of-

Alright, she'll control herself. 

But Vespera was holding a barely conscious Fiammetta, and that was very scary. 

And the fact that  Vespera held a bottle of Soporidine in her other hand made it even worse

In fact, it made it worse. 

"Drop your weapons." Gisela's command came before Vespera's. Vespera scowled, but she still made sure to add a threat. 

"Or we'll blast this pyrokinetic to pieces." 

Mental note: Dealing with two maniacs at once is not good for your mental health. Faith was sure that Vespy's threat will haunt her nightmares forever. 

But she dropped her weapon, because she valued her friend's(Or sister's) life more than the result of the battle. But she made sure to tell the Neverseen their creation wasn't exactly cute and cuddly. She ground her throwing star to pieces under her heel. 

But suddenly, over on the other side, there seemed to be some sort of commotion. Faith wasn't tall, so she craned her neck to look. 

Elizabeth had dropped her dagger to the floor, but she had stomped on the Neverseen's member's hand when he came around to collect the weapons. And by the look of it, the bones of the member's hand was splintered. Faith winced slightly as she saw that blood and the bone poking out through the skin. 

Vespera narrowed her eyes, Elizabeth did so too, and they seemed to have some sort of staring contest before Vespera uncorked the small vial.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Vespera's triumphant smile, the poisonously purple liquid melting into Fiammetta's hand, Stina's strangled scream, Elizabeth's round eyes, and a stag charging out of nowhere, its antlers directed at Vespera, and her friend's face, painted with shock. 

And then, the remaining consciousness in Fiammetta disappeared as she hit the floor with a thud, and all the Neverseen members disappeared in a flurry of light. 

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