Part 2: War

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As you sit in your office, you get a call from your assistant "Miss/Mr. Diamond, there was a slight problem with the deal with Mr.Cho. He backed out of the deal." You start yelling at her "Did he do this before or after he got his first shipment?!" She says shyly "After." You hang up on her before immediately calling Luke "Get everyone here now, Cho backed out of the deal!" You hang up before he could respond. You immediately head for the gun room to get ready.

(Time skip brought to you by you time travelling to Spider-Man Homecoming)

Everyone is loading up with guns as you and Luke come up with a plan "We get in quickly and get the shipment back. Kill anyone that gets in your way but if you come across Mr.Cho, leave him to me." You all leave in different vehicles going after Mr.Cho's gang. On arrival at the site, you tell the gang to hold up as you climb the building. You climb into a vent with another person in the gang. Once inside, you kill the guards at the door quietly before letting everyone in. Your guys unleash hell and take out everyone. As you reach the back, you hear Luke yell to you "The recruit has Mr.Cho!"

You run with him to an office where a frightened Mr.Cho is paralyzed in fear as Clint points his gun at him "Do you want me to shoot him?" You look to Luke "Do we have our shipment?" He shakes his head before you turn to Mr.Cho "Where is it?" He gulps before growing a backbone "I can't tell you that. That's the only thing that's keeping me alive." You sigh "I'm getting that information one way or another." You pull out your knife before Luke grabs your arm and whispers "He has a family." You push him off "He should have thoughts of that before he stole from me."

You stare him down before demanding "Everyone out. Luke, stay by the door." They all leave before you turn to him "Last chance." He says nothing. You smile as you say sarcastically "Well I tired." You go in with your knife.

(Time skip because I don't think anyone wants to hear those details)

You get your answer before walking out of the room covered in blood "Get a tarp for his body. We're going to his house now." Clint looks over to Luke with a slight bit of fear in him. Luke pats his shoulder "Yeah get used to it. They like to get hands on when it comes to business." After they deal with the body, you all go to his mansion where the last of his gang tries to fight your gang off. You make it in quickly inside to his family. His wife gives up quickly before giving you the number to the basement safe in hopes to barging with her and her kids' lives "Kill me but please spare my children!" You look to Luke "Kill the wife, let the kids live."

You turn your back when you hear a click and look back to see the wife pulling a gun. She aims it at you. Before you can point your gun towards her, the recruit shoots her. You stand slightly stund at what just happened before you look to him "Thanks." You act unshaken by the past few seconds. You leaving quickly. Once out of the room, you take a breath realizing you almost died. You hear Luke tell him "You just saved (y/n) life...that will get you a promotion."

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