Part 9: Physical Therapy Or Else

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"I'm not doing physical therapy!" You yelled at your doctor as Clint returned with a new bag of McDonald's. As he came through the threshold of the door, you tuned your sight on him "Oh thank god! What took you so long?" Your doctor crossed their arms "You can't have that." Ignoring him, you wave Clint over "I got you a cheeseburger and a large fries." Pure joy crossed your face "I could kiss you right now. Give me the fries first." Luke walked in at that moment, hearing your sentence. It was odd to him to see you happy or even smiling like a normal person. But a giant pit in his stomach lurched at the thought that your happiness was coming from someone else. "You sent for me?"

Luke finally said to your doctor. The doctor sighed in relief "(y/n) won't do p.t." Luke turned to you "Why not?" It didn't take long for you to polish off the fries. As you gulped the last one, you went for your burger, avoiding his question. Luke marches over before yanking your food out of your hands "Stand up." "What?" You ask, a little off guard. "Stand.Up." Luke repeats. There was only one person in the gang who could talk to you this way and Luke knew it too. Moving the sheets quickly, you go to stand on your feet. As soon as you go to stand up, shooting pain goes through both of your legs and through your body. Gritting your teeth, you stand up straight. Your doctor looked impressed at you. Considering that they had to remove five bullets from both of your legs, this was impressive.

Your breaths become shaky as you stand there. Clint had put down the food and was now at your side. "Take two steps forward." Luke demanded seeing that you were on the brink of collapsing. Anger bubbled in you at the shooting pain that came when you took your first step. Your body shook violently, scaring your doctor "They need..." He started before Luke waved him off. Taking your next step was unbearable. Your legs gave out causing Clint and Luke to dive to catch you from hitting the floor. Helping you to your bed, you glared at Luke and your doctor. Luke didn't care that you were shooting daggers into him as he spoke to your "You're doing P.T. or I call your father." Your face concerted at the mention of your father. Luke knows just exactly where to apply pressure for you to bend. "Fine! When do I start?"

Everyone lets out a relieved sigh as the doctor tells you everything you need to know. Daniel watched from outside of the door before making a call "Mr.Rogers, nice to hear from you again." On the other side of the call, Steve stiffens "What do you want?" Daniel snickers as he walks into an empty breakroom "Well that isn't very polite coming from THe Captain America." Steve rolled his eyes before groaning "What is that you wanted to tell me?" "Well, if you want to move in, move in now. (Y/n) is out of the way right now. They can barely walk." As much as that was delightful news, Steve wasn't about to tell him that "Thanks." "No problem. After all, immunity from the law does have its perks." Daniel hung up feeling prouder than ever before. He was going to pull your world out from underneath you while you were too weak to do anything about it.

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