Part 8: Food Can Cure Anything

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Giving a small nod, he moves in slowly, gently kissing your lips. A sudden rush fills you as he continues to kiss you. You move him closer by pulling on his waist. Your machine starts beeping rapidly until small alarms start going off. You both ignore them until a team of nurses come in with Daniel and Luke not too far behind. They all freeze at the sight of you both. You quickly push him off as the nurses match your bright red faces. From the corner of your eye, you see Clint smirking. "This idiot is going to ruin my reputation." You think to yourself before you look at the nurses "I'm fine. Leave." They all nod a few times before rushing out of the room with Daniel following up the rear grinning to himself mischievously "That didn't take long."

Luke though takes a second staring at you with his mouth slightly dropped before managing to pull himself together. On the way out, he closes the door to leave you both alone again. Clint awkwardly scratches the back of his head "Yeah so..." You don't help it either " Could you get me fries from McDonald's?" Taking this as an opportunity to get out of the awkward conversation, he darts out of the room "Yep! I'll be back in a few." As soon as Clint runs out the door, he slows to a walk as he groans from moving too fast from his stitches. A set of boots echo behind him as he leans against the wall. Out of pure instinct, he pulls his gun out on the person. A grin spreads across Daniel's face as he holds up a flash drive "I don't think you want to do that."

As he puts the gun away, he snatches the flash drive out of his hand "What is this?" Daniel pockets his hands as he smirks to himself "Oh nothing much. Just every shipment coming in and videos of some people (y/n) has killed over the years." Clint looks at him with disgust "You're a horrible person." Daniel gives a fair gasp "Oh my! Whatever will I do? You should be thanking me." Clint sneers as he turns his back on him "Like I would ever do that." Daniel smirks as Clint walks off. Clint stares down at the little flash drive as he contemplates his next moves to do with it "Give it to the Avengers or destroy it?" He pockets the drive as soon as his burner phone starts ringing. Before he can even say anything, Steve gives orders to him "Meet me in the hour. At the usual warehouse." Before hanging up "Sh*t. What am I supposed to do now?"

(Time Skip brought to you by Bucky Pieing Sam because it's pie day)

Clint rolled up on the warehouse lot with your McDonald's. Steve was already there waiting for him on his motorcycle. As soon as he gets out, Steve stops him "Don't move. We got intel you got shot. Are you ok?! Please let me pull the plug on this. It's honestly not worth your life." Clint shakes his head "So I guess the Corbo kid is talking now?" Steve nods, still not letting him stand "Yeah, he's squealing on all his family." He spots the bag "Hey can I have some?" Clint shrugs before handing him a fry "Cheat day. Haven't had a fry in forever." Clint shrugs it off as Steve moves around to hope in the car on the passenger side. Moving the bag to his lap, he starts munching away at the fries before Clint grabs them away "Hey! I said you could have one, not all of them!"

Steve snatches it back "Sharing is caring!" The bag rips, sending the fries everywhere. While they both clean it up, Steve pulls something out of the cupholder "Hey, what's this?" Steve holds up the flash drive. Clint's breath hitches for a second before coming up with something "Actually it's..." Steve inspects it further "This is Intell in the Hell's Angels, Right?" Feeling stuck, he gives a small nod "Yeah...It's...It's a bunch of intel." Steve finishes cleaning up quickly before thanking him profusely "We'll get you out of there in no time! Thanks again!" Before leaving quickly on his bike as Clint sits there in defeat "I'm starting to wonder if I want to."

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