The Unexpected

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It became a daily routine to Lyra.She became so addicted going out and exploring the underground,her favorite spot is waterfall she always goes there to relax before she explores more.

Right now she was at waterfall relaxing and looking at the water flow.

She then heard footsteps heading her way, she turned to the side when a familiar figure stopped beside her, then flopped down sitting beside her.

"Hey, can I hang here for a while?"the skeleton said as he glanced at her.

Lyra looked at him then smiled.


The both became silent for awhile till Sans decided to break the silence."Hey, I didn't get your name last time my name is Sans what's yours?"

Lyra hesitated she didn't know if saying her name was a good idea or a bad idea.So after she argued in her head she decided it be fine."My name is Lyra".

Fortunately Sans didn't know the name of the princess he was supposed to kidnap. He's father only showed them a picture of her and that was it.

Sans stretched a hand out to her for her to shake."Nice to meet you, Lyra".

Lyra looked at Sans then smiled.She took his boney hand and shaked it."Nice to meet you too, Sans"

They both talked for a awhile Sans making jokes Lyra laughing in return they we're both having fun.

"Hehehe So you like my jokes ey,button?"Sans said looking at Lyra with a smirk.

Lyra's laughter calmed down as she looked at him."hehe button? That's new"she said looking at him with a small smile.

"Yeah I know I'm going to call you that from now on"Sans said as he had a proud expression on his face.

Lyra giggled then said"hehe your so silly Sans"

After awhile they continued to chat until Lyra stood up."Well I have to go"
Lyra said as she was about to leave but a boney hand grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

She turned back to look at the owner.Sans staring at her his mouth was opened but no words came out.

After a couple of seconds he stood up still holding Lyra's wrist then he spoke.

"Can we um meet again?"Sans said looking at Lyra.

Lyra looked back,Shocked of what he said but smiled nonetheless.

"Sure"Lyra said happiness and glee clear in her voice.

They both smiled at each other before Sans let go and they both went there separate ways.

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