Part 4: Nightmares In The Dark

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(Warning:  This chapter contains depictions of battle.  Read ahead at your own risk.)

Daitan and (Y/n) escape each other's embrace

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Daitan and (Y/n) escape each other's embrace. Daitan places a hand on (Y/n)'s cheek to wipe away a shedding tear, an aching smile creeping onto her face. "Don't cry, it's going to be just fine here." Her voice was soft and caring, bringing (Y/n) into a calmer head-space.

The (H/c) girl shakes her head and smiles softly. "I sure hope so, because I've really been to hell and back." She chokes up as she speaks. Having to beat people up on the daily was definitely hell for the girl, especially since they were typically people that never really deserved it.

Looking up at the girl in front of her, (Y/n)'s face becomes flush. "I, uhm, have a request."

"Of course! What's up?" Daitan responds, her eyes lighting up immediately.

"Do you mind helping me unpack and organize this place?" Truth was, (Y/n) didn't want to be alone, and this diamond-quirked girl was her only way of escaping from herself.

"I would love to. Let's get started."  With this being said, the two girls ultimately started cleaning out the bags that (Y/n) had brought in. 

While the girls were organizing the walk in closet, Daitan brings up quite the forbidden question.  "So, why exactly were you kicked out for wanting to be a hero?"  Her tone was suspicious of her comrade's situation.

The (h/c) teen freezes slightly, the air in the room suddenly becoming icy, feeling much like needles entering her lungs. 

"Were they villains, (L/n)?" 

Her breathing was hitched at this very questions, her mind wandering to the many conclusions this conversation could take on.  Her fingers latched onto the hoodie she held as if her life depended on it.  Letting out a nervous and oddly painful breath, (Y/n) finally nods in response.  "Yes."  This was the only response she could manage to get out. 

Daitan nods slowly, starting to understand this peculiar teenage girl's situation.  "Don't worry." 

(Y/n) turns her head around hesitantly, not believing her own ears.  Don't worry?  How could I possibly not worry about this situation I'm in?

"You're a hero in this house, not anything less."  Those spoken words were unbelievably relieving to (Y/n).  Hell, she didn't know she needed to hear them. 

A heavy sigh of ease exits her chest cavity.  "Thank you." 

"Of course."  The teal-haired girl responds.

"No, really.  Thank you."  (Y/n) pauses, debating if she should explain her situation she had back at home.  She decides to do so.  It might help Daitan understand (Y/n) a bit more as time goes on.  She turns to face Daitan Asami and takes in a deep breath.  "My parents are quite the villains."  She starts. 

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