Chapter 23

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The howling voices from afar, disturb my slumber in the middle of the night. My feet lead me to the balcony, swiftly the cool breeze brush against to the hairs of my arms. I rub my skin to cause friction that might help to heated my body.

Billions of stars are glowing, their lights reflect in the still water of the pond. The fireflies were quite cheerful as they fly on the pathway and trees. It was a calming scene, mesmerizing that could clear my mind.

"Hmm," I hummed as I closed my eyes and blissful night embrace me.

Then the blurred voices became louder which made me startle. In the serene dark room, every tip of my finger touches the cold wall that brought shivers down to my spine. Silently, I twist the doorknob and walk in the hallway with my soft slippers that I'm wearing.

Memories that I recalled yesterday. I fell asleep while arguing with Crystal that left a satisfied impression in my heart. Her reaction couldn't be described in words when I put my mask on to retaliate with her mockery. Nothing feels better when all of her insults were ignored.

A small light from the office of the Grand Duke slip away. Then, I noticed that the door was partly open. My hands suddenly tremble and my heart race but it was different compare to whenever I see His Excellency. My stomach was churning, not the usual feeling of butterflies when I was excited.

More like, I was nervous about something that didn't happen yet. If I took a little peek inside the room perhaps, I might know the reason. However, some half of me want to turn my back against the entrance to his office for me not to hear and know the source of this rat feeling inside of my chest.

As if my feet were stuck in thorns, I could not take a step and if it seems that my knuckles have its own mind to knock on the wood. Various tone of voices was debating, leaking out mix with high pitch that scares me more on finding out what's beyond the door.


Because the door was already slightly open, I decided to slid my head inside for me to see what was all about their argument. I was already expecting Crystal to be here just by the sound of her voice alone.

Though, even that I was aware, it still left a huge impact of surprise. I tried so hard to dismiss the thought and force myself that it didn't bother me, the fact that she was standing on the place that I should be whenever we have to tackle something.

"Forgive me for interrupting. I came, it was quite loud. Is there anything that I could help you?"

Now, I literally entered yet without leaving the open door beside me. At first, they stared at me that result of me, imagining peculiar things. They must have taken me for their own dinner, I can tell with their look that gave me chills.

Suspiciously, they gaze each other as if they were secretly communicating through with their eyes. Here comes again the disturbing feeling I dislike. It seems that I was an invisible and out of place the way they treated me.

I was taken aback when the Grand Duke massaged his temple with a sigh. Was he stress after seeing me or burden? Believe me, I should have followed my guts if I knew this would happen.

"You should rest more. What if you fainted again?"

"But, I have enough of sleep." To the point when I lay down, all I ever do is overthink and become fidgety. Even I stretch my body and spin under the lonely sheets, it wasn't sufficient to be drowsy. I have a ton of energy flowing in my veins perhaps, he might want to permit me in the library now.

"Geez, let her be. Shall we continue our discussion?" Crystal proclaims. She went closer to His Excellency and move a pawn on the ancient style chessboard. "Like what I stated, if we attack them now there is a high chance that they will be wipeout."

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