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Y/n's pov:-

"I think I should move on?" I said while wiping tears from my cheeks.

"Is everything alright y/n? Are you ok?" Jungseon asks, patting my back.

"No, everything is unfair and messed up, Jung," I explained him everything about last night.

"Are you ready sweetie, to let anyone enter your life? This is big decision," he remarks.

"I dont know Jung but I need to move on for Aera, she needs both of her parents. Even if I do everything to make her happy I fail everytime," I replied with low voice.

"Okay, go for it. I will help you but you dont need to force yourself and adjust with anyone who will not understand you and you will not rush things even if it is for Aera,okay?" He said calmly, understanding my situation.

"Mhhmm.." I hummed in response.

"Y/n you watched his recent interviews?" He asked, not looking in my direction.

"Nope but I heard yesterday's radio show in car. What happened?" I asked with curiosity.

"Ever since you left him, he never answered about dating questions but now he is answering them well. And he also informed that he is seeing someone....." I cut him off, I don't know why but my heart aches while listening this.

"Its good for him, if he is dating someone. We should not focus on his dating life Jung. Let him do whatever he wants. I dont want anyone except my baby Aera," I said but still I doubted my words.

But why am I even doubting? I hate yoongi I dont even want to see his face again.

"Its not about him dating someone else y/n, it's about..." jung went silent for two minutes.

"It's... What if he is planning to get you and Aera back,  then? "He said hesitantly.

"NO NO, I will not let him touch her. I will never allow him to see her, he doesn't deserve her," I replied with a heavy heart.

Fear took over me, if he takes Aera away from me then? What if he takes Aera with her new girlfriend, leaving me alone then.

'Y/n calm down nothing is going to happen... Sushhh... Sushhh..' I calmed my inner self.

"Don't worry I will protect you and Aera, I will not let that bastard hurt you and Aera again," Jung said while hugging me tightly.

"Ahh... You ..*fakecoughs* will choke *fakecoughs*.... me," You act and he breaks the hug.

"You are such a drama queen,"he slapped my shoulders lightly.

"Now let's get Aera and your bae," I teased him.

"Yeah, you know I already miss him even it's just few minutes of not seeing him," he chuckles.

"Ohh god..why don't you get marry? Then you can eat him whenever you want," I teased Jung again.

"I want to, but Daejung wants to wait till his parents understand us," Jung replied with miserable tone.

"Don't worry soon they will understand ... And there they are",by pointing finger in Daejung and Aera's direction we started walking to them.

After having dinner outside with them me and Aera took their leave.

Min yoongi's pov:-

I was trying to come with new melody, and beats in my studio, when I heard the knock on the door.

"Come in," I commanded, the door creaks open revealing yeonjin
(my bodyguard).

"I got them," He said with cheery voice.

"Yeonjin I am working now, please just leave whoever you got," I said while trying to focus on instruments.

"I mean I found y/n and your child sir," he said loud enough to be heard by me even when I was playing piano. Without wasting time I stood up from chair and got near to him.

"Really, you found her?" I asked, still not believing what he just said. I am trying to find you y/n from past one year and I finally I got you.

"Yes sir, she works at xxx dental hospital and lives on the xyz street and her apartment number is 9."

"Okay... So after tomorrow's shoots we will leave to see her. You may leave now," I said while turning my back towards him and returning to my chair.

I started thinking about how to say sorry to her after all this shit. What if she hates me, no way she loves me more than anything, you love me y/n, don't you? You will forgive me, right?

But wait what if you moved on and found someone... stop!!!!!! Min yoongi just shut your negative thoughts. Hope you will give me one chance to be with you baby, I miss you. I am going to buy your favourite flowers, hope you will like it, my queen. Sorry for being jerk to you and now when I learnt my mistake I will now treat you like a real queen, I promise. And about our baby, they will get everything. They will get the best dad. I love you y/n and our precious baby too. I can't wait till tomorrow to see you after three years. I freaking love you so much my babies don't worry your daddy and appa both are coming tomorrow. I smirked internally and left the studio without even completing work.

Author's note:-
Here yoongi was in hope that y/n will give him chance and he will live happily with his family. And there was y/n trying to move on for Aera.

But wait what if yoongi never gets any second chance? What if y/n will never let him see his daughter? What if y/n really moves on with someone?

Do let me know in comments section about your thoughts and what do you think about their relationship?

Dont forget to check blueberry eyes by Max feat.suga !!!!🥺😍😍😍

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