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Yoongi's pov:-
I reached her and took seat beside her while she kept her head down controlling her tears. I felt sad and guilty for making her feel like this. Making her look at me I cupped her cheeks and was about to apologize but got cut by Aera's cry. Y/n immediately pushed me aside and ran towards Aera. I followed and reached my room. Aera was crying due to bad dream while y/n calmed her down taking Aera in lap.

Y/n's pov:-
" eomma is here. Nothing wrong will happen with you,okay? Take deep you know eomma hate it when you cry so please stop crying. Princesses never cry and you are not crying now,okay?" I said while she nodded slowly hugging me tightly.
After some her she calmed down and her breathing got stable. Soon she landed in her dreamland while little snoring sound were heard from my lap.
"Can I sleep with Aera today?" She is still scared a bit."I looked at yoongi an she nodded. I took Aera in my arms but before I take her in guest room with me yoongi stopped us.
"Sleep here. I will take guest room. And please call me if you need anything"he says to which I agreed. He left the room by placing a forehead kiss on Aera.
"I'm sorry baby, eomma is too selfish for getting sad because you are getting love. I promise I will never do this again." I mumble before sleeping beside her.

I woke up and did my morning job while Aera was still sleeping. I needed some coffee due to my half sleeping mode. Walking down I saw yoongi preparing something in kitchen which made me furrow my brows.
"Hey..good morning" he said with cheering voice lightening my morning. But the fact that I am still angry will not make any difference.
"I thought lina will be making -"he cuts me off and speaks.
"Ahh..I told Lina that I will be making your favorite food." He winks at me making my eyes wider in surprise.
" favourite food?"I asked him and he nods. Coming near me he trapped me. While his both hands rested on the kitchen counter on either side of me he looked at me with little smile. I looked away to ignore him.
"Y/n..I know you are mad at me for ignoring you whole month. It was jimin's plan to catch your attention. As you always run away from me I wanted do something to get your attention so he told me to try this prank on you. I am sorry...I didn't realize it will go this far and hurt you." He speaks and I looked at him while his eyes were teary with little pout on his lips. Even if he acts cute enough I'm not going to forgive him real soon without getting revenge. A giggled escaped my mouth thinking of the plan to take revenge.
"Umm..that mean you are forgiving me?" He asks to which I had to nod. I grabbed his tshirt collar in my fist and pulled him a bit near.
"YOU MR.MIN never do this again or else I'll chop your each body part" I glared at him and he acts nodding. Leaving his collar I turned to one side to go for checking on Aera as he continued his cooking.
As Aera woke up we all had breakfast together. And before we leave his house yoongi asked for a walk in the backyard with him to which I agreed while Aera was playing with Lina.

At present we were taking a walk while chatting random things.
"Y/n, please don't mind me if I ask you something?" He says coming in front of me facing me.
"No I won't..go ahead." I spoke.
"Can you shift here with Aera. As in we we'll live together." He says looking away. I know it's his habit to look away from person while he's  nervous.
"Sure..if this makes Aera and you happy   I'm ready to shift anytime." I smiled through the words and he looked at me with his soft little smile.
"Thank you for bearing with me always. From handling me to understanding my feelings. From giving me your love to giving me Aera." He smiles and comes by my side to continue walking. In between he helds my hand in his inter wining it making my beetroot blush appear. I looked away to hide it.
"Umm....someone is blushing, I think?" He faked cough.
"Yayyy!!!!you don't have to hide it. I know how my presence affects you and what how much effect I have on you."he says while his grip on my hands tightens.
"I'm not blushing. And you don't have any effect on me. I am not scared of you." I argued to which he pulled me on him. His mischievous smirk danced on his lips making me gulp as we were too close.
"Now? Do I have any effect?"
"No" I argued even if I knew this would make me regret it but I didn't wanted to lose too. He pulls me a bit closer making his grip much tighter on my waist.
"Now?" He raises his one eyebrow.
"No" I looked away. He pulls again more closer making my whole body leaning on him as no space was left. My heart beat was clearly heard in my ears as this man wants me to suffer from heart attack. His soft lips brushed lightly against mine making me blush harder.
"Now?" He speaks while his lips touches mine again.  I didn't speak anything as I was too lost in him. I was busy admiring his eyes. The way it turns in crescent moon shape while he is smiling and his boxy eyebrows killing me everytime it raises. His soft sugar plump lips which aren't too big or too small. They are just perfect like him. His soft cheeks which makes anyone go crazy to squish it.
"Done?" He asks while I was still looking at his lips continously and shamelessly. I hummed without knowing what he asked.
"You want this?" He asks and again I nodded not knowing what he asked. I wanted those lips..those soft lips kissing me. I may sound like a needy bitch but I wanted to feels his lips working on mine. My thoughts got cut off when I found his lips coming near..I gulped down a big lump and closed my eyes immediately.

**so sorry for this big ass long chapter though***😔

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