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Y/n's pov:-

This day went fast, I think. It was almost leaving time from the hospital, so I started packing my stuffs. After some time, I withdraw from the hospital to reach my car in the parking lot.

Aahh... this traffic really gets on my nerves. I am waiting for past few minutes and still it doesn't move a bit.

While groaning in frustration my eyes falls on the big posters and video posters, wishing Min Yoongi birthday in advance. Why my eyes always soften seeing you, you jerk. Why I still can't hate you, even after knowing you never loved me, you never cared. You---- the traffic moves over. But tears started flowing remembering him. I am holding it from days and I need some time to get away from these feelings. I need some time for myself. I can't hold it anymore but I can't show Aera my this side too.

I called Daejung by stopping car aside on the road.

"Hey, dae can you take Aera your home. I need some time for myself, I hope..." he cuts me off.

"Hey it's alright, you know you should take more leaves for yourself *giggle* and dont worry about Aera she will be okay, bye take care."

"Thank you, bye" after saying him thanks, I took my car at my secret place. It was a bit far from city and that's what it made my favourite place.

After a long drive to this place, I walked off on the small cliff and sat on the grass. Even when I am here to forget you and take rest from everything, you are still on my mind. You know I don't hate you more, I hate myself more for still loving you, for still caring if you are alright or not. I am tired of explaining myself that you don't love me, you don't care, you never did. Because my heart still... wants you, still needs you. How dumb I am, wishing for a cold and heartless person like you. Still wanting to hold you in my arms, to hug you tightly.

'Did you ever love me? Will you ever fall for me?'

If only I had power to go back, I wouldn't have agreed to take your appointment.

Author's note ~~

From here we will be running in flashback for one or two chapters, so don't get yourself confused. Thank you!!


{5 years ago}

Y/n was having her lunch break after completing almost half of her appointments. But there she gets a call from reception counter informing her, Dr. Kim Miyara is on leave for some personal reasons and y/n will have to take her appointments.

Y/n's pov:-

I sighed after ending call with Aonhee.
After washing my hands and sliding my hands into gloves, I rang my bell and the patient comes in with his mask on.

"Hello, I am Dr. Kim Y/n."I said genuinely.

"I am min yoongi, I am having a toothache from past two days. Please look after it," The person spoke while removing his mask and allowing me to admire my bias face.

"I...I sorry, please take a seat there.." I directed my index finger in the direction of seat.

After whole check up, I explained him about his toothache reasons and precautions to take.

"Thank you, I will try to avoid the things you mentioned," he said with little gummy smile creeping up on his face.

"Its my job to help people and don't forget to get an appointment again in some weeks with Dr. Miyara." I said somehow holding my blush which never leaved after seeing him in real.

He is really precious... My heart can't hold his cuteness and hotness together. I was in my thoughts admiring him until I found myself staring at him for so long.

"Actually I will try to make an appointment with you again, since you know about my problem now, so I will like if you treat me in the whole process," he mumbles with his sweet voice and big smile.

Ohhh... God please tell me it's a dream. Yes it's a dream. I pinched myself slowly so yoongi can't see me fangirling on him.

"Okay, I will be happy to cure you", I replied trying to be calm.

"Thank you once again and bye, see you soon" yoongi said while gently pushing himself from his seat to get up, While I just nodded.

Two months went by, me and yoongi are now kind of good friends I guess. We talk about many things and he always try to call me once in a day. I still remember when he asked my number and I gave him without much thinking. Earlier I was just a fan who only knew about him as my idol but now when I meet him and know him, I got to understand how he is actually. I was busy with my work until I got a call named Yoongi.

"Hey, how are you doing?" He asks.

"Kinda busy, what about you?" I replied without paying much attention to his call.

"I...I.." yoongi stutters, which brought my attention to his call.

"Are you okay, is everything alright?" Worry took over me.

"Yeah, everything is good. Can you have dinner with me today?" He asks nervously.

"So if I take it as you are asking me out then will it be wrong?" I teased him for his nervousness.

"Yeah... You can think what you want to. I am gonna pick you at 7 pm from your home if it is okay for you?" He said now with voice full of confidence.

"Okay, bye see you."I ended call after biding him bye.

I couldn't concentrate now on my work now, because of you... min yoongi. I facepalmed myself getting my head again at work. After finishing, I reached home and took shower for my first date with yoongi. Wait it's my first date with anyone... ohh Yeah it's my first date with anyone. Now Shut up y/n with your nonsense before you get late, you have to pick your dress fast and get ready.

I wore this because wearing comfortable clothes is more important to me than looking hot in uncomfortable clothes

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I wore this because wearing comfortable clothes is more important to me than looking hot in uncomfortable clothes. After getting my makeup done, I was wearing my heels when I got call from yoongi informing me that he's waiting outside. I took my keys and placed in my purse and after locking door, I got myself towards his car. He came out and opened car door for me while checking me out from head to toe. And I think he liked my dressing, because he was biting his lower lip slightly while controlling his blushes over cheeks which were visible.

After getting myself comfortable in passenger seat he drove car to a restaurant, where we had dinner and talked about many things. But some thing was off, I mean during whole dinner he was nervous as if something caught him off. And there were very few people in the restaurant, being this big and no one come here amused me. Anyways, it's not my restaurant to make me worry. I didn't ask yoongi anything, because it can make awkward things more.

It was actually a good date or I should say the best. We both get up from our seats for leaving but then yoongi excuse himself for washroom and I was waiting for him in the lobby of the restaurant.

Then suddenly lights went off ....

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