with me

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Yoongi's pov:-
I know y/n you are hurt because of me but I promise I will never hurt you again. I will make you believe that I am changed. I am..
"Appa!!" Aera came running towards me.
"Baby slow down or you will fall" I said in worry. But she didn't listen and reached me. I picked her off the ground in my arms.
"You know it's my birthday today, I want to celebrate it with my little princess" I said as I pinched her nose lightly to which she giggled.
"Happy birthday appa, I wish you live manyyyyyy years."" Her wish was too cute for me.
"Thank you, now let's cute the cake." I made her sit on the couch and placed cake on teapoy. I was going to blow off candles but she held me.
"Aiyo...appa you need to make a wish before buwing(blowing) candle."
"So sorry. I will do it now" I said and closed by eyes for wish.
'I wish happiness and health for y/n,my baby,BTS members and ofcourse army. They all are my life please never hurt them as I did.'
"Now we'll cut the cake. Come" we both ate the cake and saved some for y/n. I wish you were here in my arms just as Aera. Thank you for giving me Aera y/n, I love you both.
"Appa," Aera says.
"Yes,baby" I turn my attention towards her. But she looks nervous so I took her in my lap and asked again.
"You will never leave us again right?" she says while sadness and water brimming over little eyes.

Y/n's pov:-
I couldn't control myself to go and check on what they both are actually doing. Slowly walking downstairs,I was getting near living room but heard something which made me stop at my position.
"You will never leave us again right?" Aera asks mr.min. My mind stopped working and her words brought tears. Her little mind is carrying so many thoughts and questions which are not answered. Being just a three year old she is much matured than her age and she always understands others.  I am sorry Aera for not being the best parent,for not giving you the family you needed when you were born. You are..
"I will never leave you and eomma again, I promise baby. Sorry for not being here with you both. But now as I am here I will give my each inch to bring the smile on yours and y/n's face." Mr.min answered, I know his voice was low and he was controlling something.
I dont want you..but Aera wants. I don't want to see you face mr.min..but Aera wants.
I ran upstairs and locked bedroom. When you don't love me,than why have you to mention me in everything mr.min? You never loved me and I know you will never, even if you fell for me at this time it will be just because I am your daughter's mother. I loved you, I loved you with everything I had. You know...the biggest mistake of my life wasn't loving you, it was thinking that you loved me. I thought you will never leave me but you left me all broken when I needed you the most,  your daughter whom you are holding in your arms right now and promising that you will love her always needed your love,you were not there. As much my heart loved you back then now it hates you mr.min much more. I remember your every single word mr.min. how you named me cheater, when it was you who never loved. How you thought I am using you for money,when it was you who used me for lust. How you are calling my baby princess right now when you were the one who named her shit even before her birth.
I controlled myself and washed my face . Opened the door and stepped downstairs.
"Baby, you need to sleep now," I said as I tried to get near sitting area.
"Can appa stay here? I want to sleep with im(him)?" Aera pleaded.
I threw a death glare over mr.min and he understood.
"Actually princess appa have some work,so I will leave now and come tomorrow back after completing work." He said as he tried to get up with Aera in his arms, making my blood boil with anger.
"You said you will never leave us..now you are going appa" Aera said with sad voice which broke my heart. Mr.min glanced over me and I ignored him. By taking Aera in my embrace, "yoon he is leaving for work baby, he will come back tomorrow as he said "I spoke softly while tugging some strands of her hair behind ear.

Yoongi's pov:-
Did she just called Aera by my nickname? Or I'm deaf..no way my ears are working. You still love me y/n..and I will make you forgive me,I promise. I was staring at her while smirking and she told Aera to go in her room to sleep.
"Will you leave now?" Y/n said in irritating tone which broke my heart but yoongi you have to be strong. I stepped closer to her, too close.  Our faces were just few inches and her cheeks turned red like tomato even though she maintained her straightface. Her heartbeat can be heard as I was too close to her. You are still the same y/n but you are acting cold to make me leave you. Bringing my face near to her ears, I whispered in her ear"you never changed baby and I will prove my love to you," she pushed me a bit hard and pointed to leave.I don't want to go y/nah ..I want to sleep by your side. But I have to wait for you to love me..bye take care.

Next day evening:-

Y/n's pov:-
By packing my stuffs from hospital I left for my car. I need to pick Aera, it's late already. While walking toward parking lot I got a call...from mr.min. Even when I changed my number and it's not saved I still remember it.
"Its yoongi, I want to take you and Aera amusement park. Will.."
"You can take Aera and she will be ready within hour,pick her up bye" I said and ended call.
I picked Aera from Daejung's kindergarten and brought her home. After getting her shower done,I was confused what to make her wear. I was busy in choosing her dress, while she was busy in playing with lotion bottle. When I saw her spreading lotion all over the floor I placed high on the table.
"Now come with eomma and tell me what you wanna wear," I said while picking her little figure in my arms.

 "Now come with eomma and tell me what you wanna wear," I said while picking her little figure in my arms

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After picking her dress and getting her ready,I made her sit on the bed.
"Eomma needs to clean everything, so please be a good girl and let eomma do,okay?" I asked her to which nodded while smiling.

I cleaned and placed everything on their places. I checked time and its already late. Where are you mr.min, don't tell me you forgot!!! That's when the doorbell rings, Aera ran downstairs yelling 'Appa!!Appa!!'. I reached towards door to open the door and ofcourse it mr.min. He took Aera in her arms and became all goofy by seeing her happy face.
"Are you sure you are not coming with us?"he asks.
"I said once. Bye baby and please don't trouble appa okay?" I said by turning towards Aera to kiss her forehead.
"Bye eomma,"she says and they both left for park.
I sighed and laid on the couch. It's so tiring to have toddler kid. And my job too doesn't do any good enough to make my life less stressful. Suddenly my phone rings and I picked it without checking caller ID.
"Aera needs you urgently, we are coming to pick you up get ready fast, she's crying too much,"he said and cuts the call.
"Bu..wait.. what...arghh.."

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