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We are still in flashback, guys🤞

Y/n's pov:-

The lights went off... And I flinched a little. But suddenly one spotlight fell on me and I saw one figure coming near me. As it was still dim light, I didn't recognize the person until he was just a few inches away from me. Suddenly he kneeled.

"I know it's not many days or months from when I met you. But I can say one thing for sure that when I found you I got one more reason to smile. You have seen me in my worst when overworked myself, but you know just by seeing your face when I am stressed out make everything right, makes my world crazy. You know me, you know I am not good at expressing my feelings but just understand that I love you... I freaking love you very much. I want you to be assured that I care, I care about every little thing related to you. I want to promise you that I will try my best to love you more than yesterday, I will protect you and I will be there for you always... I promise to treat you like a princess when you are my girlfriend and to treat you like a real queen when I marry you... I didn't want to sound cheesy and if it did I'm sorry... Will you give me a chance to be your love of life?" He confessed.

I was shocked and surprised at the same time. I loved him but never thought that he will love me. Of course, he is an idol and he will love a beautiful lady, which is not me. I fake scoffed internally. I thought he will go for an idol or actress who will be the prettiest in the world but... Here we were and he is really asking me to be his girlfriend!!!

"My knee is hurting Y/nahh... Answer me and even if it is a no, I will...", he whines.

"It's a yes, I would love to be yours, min yoongi," I cut him off and while saying all this my eyes got watery due to so much happiness.

Yoongi gets up instantly after listening yes and hugged me tightly while sliding his hands on my waist. My heart skipped a beat, I mean it's not like we never hugged before but he never made his hands on my waist. I know he can feel my heartbeats since we were almost glued to each other.

After a while, he pulls out from the hug.

"Even a single hug skips your heartbeat then what will happen when I will make love to you," his voice was seducing me and I didn't realize my cheeks were burning. I slapped his shoulders lightly and we both headed outside the restaurant.

We both are now on a beach far away from the city, having our favourite ice cream. We were walking intertwining each other's hand. But suddenly yoongi passed me and comes in front of me facing me very close.

"You really love me? I mean you didn't accept because of any tension or anything, right?" he asks in a low voice.
I gently cupped his cheeks with both my hands and shake my head.

"I love you yoongi, from the very first moment I saw you. I admired you from the beginning as a fan but when I got to know you better and I couldn't control myself to fall for you. I never thought you will love me... I mean I thought you will love someone more beautiful, more precious girl... But when you confessed my heart skipped a beat and my happiness was on the top. Thank you for coming into my life," I muttered slowly.

"I love you y/n," he only says these but it was everything that I needed to hear right now.

Yoongi was staring at my eyes and lips, making blush creep onto my cheeks. He looks at me with puppy eyes and I nod slowly. And soon his body enters in contact with mine and he locks his lips with mine. I love these feelings and how it creates millions of butterflies in my stomach by just contact of our lips. That warm, sweet taste that he leaves on my lips after kissing it with so gentleness, no one can ever describe. His hand pasts my jawline to get below my ear to hold the kiss longer.

He was kissing me passionately and then he slowly bite my lower lip telling me to open my mouth from his tongue, slowly his tongue was tasting every single part of my mouth. I placed my hands on his chest, as my breath was starting to get heavy. But being stubborn he was squeezing my lips like there was no tomorrow and I didn't hesitate to reciprocate it. We were both squeezing each other's lips, tasting each other's mouth fondly until we both started panting heavily eventually breaking the kiss.

It was already too late and as Yoongi needs to wake early for practice and I need to go to the hospital we both headed towards his car and finally drove off to my place. I didn't want it to end, I don't want him to go but I have to. We both bid each other bye and I get into my apartment. After getting a long shower I made my way towards the bed. I was still in my dreamland thinking about the whole confession. But somehow I made myself sleep.

Author's pov:-

Y/n and Yoongi were happy with each other's side. Being an idol yoongi tried to give every free time to y/n and in return, she always understood him even when he failed some times. They both fought with each other but never failed to make it up. Soon they completed two years with each other and yet they were lovely dovey like their first day of their relationship, despite every small fight, arguments, jealousy and everything they both made it.

Y/n's pov:-

I was waiting for the results....

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