I'll miss you

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Y/n's pov:-
We both looked at each other for few more seconds. Our eyes were glistening but we didn't allowed tears to drop. We were smiling at each other remembering every single detail of our past. 'Our past' which can never be our present or future. We both knew, no matter how much we deny our love towards each other..our eyes spoke everytime.
He stood up and packed his other stuffs while Aera came running to us showing how Lina made pancakes for her.
"Appa eat this...its so tasty!!!"her soft voice cooed our ears. Taking a small bite from it he did his other important work before leaving.

"Bye..take care of yourself and Aera too.." the man spoke with a little voice and I nodded understanding.
"Appa..please come soon. I'll miss you." Aera cried a little hugging her dad's legs. Yoongi chuckled at her and by giving her kisses all over her face he started walking towards car. But before he gets in I called him and reached him.
"I'll miss you more.." I said hugging him lightly. Immediately his hands wrapped my waist hugging me tighter.
"Wait for me," His whisper was heard making my lips curled up in smile.
We broke hug soon and then by giving sweet forehead kiss he left...for 7 months.

2 weeks later

Yoongi's pov:-
I jumped on bed after taking bath. Before I turn the lights off my phone started beeping with notifications. Opening lock I saw the pics of the concert we had today. My smile didn't leave its place as every memory of the night flashed in. The way army and us were so happy with each other. It never feels like we don't know them..they always seem part of us. That part which resides far from us but protect us from every difficulty.
"Thank you..for loving me and my boys." I mumbled caressing the pics.

Soon my mind started thinking of Aera and y/n. I checked the time and my smile dropped knowing they must be sleeping at his hour. I miss you my baby..I know appa is not giving you attention but I promise to call you tomorrow till then have sweet dreams. Pulling duvets over me I turned the lights off and slept.

Y/n's pov:-
Waking up and doing my morning routine I headed towards kitchen to make breakfast. After doing so I woke Aera and made her bath to get her ready for her kindergarten. While getting her ready she spoke.
"Eomma..I want to talk to appa" the little girl asked for his dad again. I sighed and taking her in my lap.
"Baby..he must be working right now. We will call him in the evening, okay" I said caressing her hairs but she shooked her head and started demanding for yoongi. I can clearly understand a little girl miss her father who is busy with his work.

'Yoongi please call me today..at least.' I mumbled whereas Aera was jumping on the bed whining and yelling for her father.
"I want to talk to im(him)..NOW." she yells again and there I lost my patience.  "Will you listen to me, first?" I said in stern voice as I  knew this will only work to control her. Immediately she came towards me taking little steps and   her head hung down. Kneeling to reach her I made her to look at me.
" I know baby..you miss him. But as a good daughter you should understand your appa too,right? He loves you very much..and you know that. We will call him in the evening again till then we will enjoy our day." I said giving her smile while she forced a little smile. Its hurts to see her like this but there's nothing I can do right now except messaging her dad.

After eating dinner Aera ran towards living room for watching her cartoon while I started doing dishes. I messaged you again yoongi at least take your five minutes to call her.While I was busy with cleaning my phone started ringing I picked it up immediately seeing yoongi's name.
"Hel..hello" I stuttered as bright smile appeared on both of our faces.
"Hii..how are you and Aera?" He asked sipping his drink.
"We are doing great." I lied as I didn't wanted yoongi to feel bad. If he gets to know Aera is missing him so much..he will probably lose his all attention over tour which I never want to happen. I took phone with me to Aera.
"Baby..see who's on the call." I showed her phone and her lips formed a small pout while her eyes glistened seeing her father after one week.
"I miss you appa" her tears streamed while she kissed the phone.
"I miss you more my baby...sorry." yoongi's voice softens more seeing her little one.
"When will you omme(come) back?" Aera asked him and he didn't replied making Aera look at me.
"He will be here soon. Now tell him about the new story you learned in kindergarten yesterday."I diverted topic and yoongi thanked me.

Soon we ended call as he was tired from all day activities. Heading to bedroom I made Aera sleep and turned off lights. Before I sleep my phone showed massage which caught my attention.
"Thank you for understanding me always. I will try to call more often, sorry for not being a good dad." I chuckled at his message and sent him reply.

Yoongi's pov:-
"You are the best dad anyone would ever wish for. Haven't you seen the glow in Aera's eyes when she sees you, stupid. And about me being understanding..don't worry just give me treat when you return." My smile appeared seeing her sweet message but soon my dirty mind started thinking to tease her.
"What kind of treat? I mean breakfast in bed or me in bed?"

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