Chapter III - Despairing Nightmare

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During his peaceful sleep, he dreamed about something that may hunt him for the rest of his life.

Makoto: Where am I?

Junko: Ohhh your awake, honey!

Honey!?! What is going on, were not even married yet and why am I tied to this chair?

Makoto: Can you help me get out of this chair, I can't really move anywhere so untie me, Please, Junko-chan?

Junko: Ohhh I will untie you if you are willing to kill all of your friends.

Makoto: Wha-What! No, I won't kill any of my friends, I love them and so do you, right?

Junko: There is where you're wrong my little cinnamon roll, you see, I've been harass by my parents and leave me with my useless sister, That is when I heard about the most lovable word, DESPAIR, Despair is such a fascinating concept, cooler than the "HOPE" Thing you like, so that's why I tied you. I want you to kill or at least witness death firsthand.


Junko: What is that My favorite innocent Luckster?

Makoto: Hope is better than Despair, If you honestly think that I will choose Despair over Hope is just absurd. I won't bring madness to people I will spread my positivity and optimism so they can feel The Hope inside them. You're just confused because you haven't experienced true hop-.

Junko: And you haven't experienced true despair, as I'm about to say, we are born from a different perspective and I might say, your side is quite boring, boring, BORING! Excuse me for my behavior sweetheart but if I can't make you believe with words, I might make you believe in action.

Makoto: "Oblivious to what the statement that Junko said meant but acting innocently" Wh-What are you going to do with me?

Junko: Don't play dumb, I can perfectly analyze your mind sweetheart.

Before Makoto can even speak, he was met by Junko's lip touching his own, he was so shocked that he didn't even think about anything at the moment, he wants her but he was tired up so there is still a limit on what he can do, he actually felt despair creeping on his body, and before he knew it, He was full of despair.

Junko: Now, now sweetheart, If you want to reach base 2, you have to kill someone, but believe me, you will experience that best thing in your life.

Makoto surprisingly nodded and obliged, killing everyone in the process but something weird happened

- Kyoko's perspective -

Kyoko witness all the deaths of her classmate and she was the last one alive, because of her fast thinking and detective role, she manages to untie herself out of the chair and hide behind the table. That's when she heard the door opening.

Makoto: Junko-Chan, no one is in this room!

Junko: Are you sure? Let me see sweetheart. *Looks at the cell* Huh, that's weird, Hopefully, Kirigiri-san is not hiding at the table, that's gonna be too much despair.

Kyoko felt her heart stop at that statement, she knew that she was room at the moment so the logical thing to do is reveal herself and make a proposal. Without turning back she reveals herself.

Kyoko: " shaking profusely" (She is even surprised that she is feeling terrified as she is in a life or death situation) Look, I don't wanna die here so I'll make a proposal, I'll join you guys in whatever God knows you guys did in exchange that I gonna live at this very moment.

Junko: Ohhh look at here sweetheart! She wants us to join! Isn't that desparingly amazing?

Junko is horrifically shocked at what his sweetheart done, he shot Kyoko right in the brain with no sympathy.

Makoto: So this is what true despair feels like, it's so satisfying! "With bloodlust look in his eyes, even scaring Junko" But he automatically felt the pain that is going in his heart, every second feels that he's gonna pass out.

Junko: Oh my God, what have you done? What's happening to you?

Makoto: Don't worry, Junko, you want despair right? So I'll give you despair. (Proceeds to shot Junko in the face)

Junko falls back on the floor, absorbing the pain in her head. She can't handle it, she cried and proceed to talk to Makoto one last time

Junko: Thi-this isn't su-supp-posed to ha-happen. I ju-just want to live wi-with you in de-despair but this i-is to-too much. I ha-hate despa-pair, I ho-hope you reali-lized what you've do-done. (Then she blacks out, never to talk to her beloved, or she might think, a monster from now on)

Makoto: I did it! I reach the maximum feeling of despair, I can die peacefully now. "Closes his eye then proceeds to die"

- Back to reality -

Makoto: AHHHHHHHH! "Jumps up from his bed and shaking like crazy" Ohh, it's just a dream, but that is too much. I can't handle my emotions

Makoto proceeds to cry in the corner of the room, thinking about what happened in the dream, it's full of despair and he can't believe that he did that. He felt that he's a monster. And the worst is he thinks that Junko, her girlfriend, for God's sake is the mastermind, he regretted that. The feeling that he thought was right was so wrong, he didn't deserve her, he's an awful boyfriend in his mind, his thought was so terrified that tomorrow, he'll break up with her. He just didn't tell right, so he cleans himself up and looks at the clock, it's 4 am. He proceeds to go outside and walk quietly reaching the Dining room and then he made tea. He then sat at the dining hall and lay his head down the table while his tea sits there.

Makoto: What have I done? *Said quietly*

???: Hey, why are you awake so early?

Makoto: O-ohh, No-nothing, There's a lot in my mind lately, I just want to cool off and forget everything in my mind.

???: Ohh, we can talk about it, by the way, I am Aoi Asahina, but you can call me Hina!

Makoto: Ohh, Hi Hina, nice to meet you, but I don't want to talk about it, I want to do this all by myself.

Aoi: Are you sure? I think you need some company about that.

Makoto: No-no, I got it all by myself.

Aoi: If you say so. "Walks out the dining hall"

Makoto: "Sigh" I don't know what is getting into me. (I just don't think that I'm thinking rationally at this moment)

He proceeds to go to his dorm and try to sleep, but he can't because he becomes too paranoid so he just stayed up until morning, is he ready to tell Junko what happened? Is he gonna break up with her? Time will tell.


Hey guys, sorry for not uploading yesterday, I really don't have any ideas yesterday so that's that. Anyway thanks for reading and leave a review! And maybe a vote, I will gladly appreciate so Goodbye, I'm out!

Ohh sorry for the OOC, especially Kyoko, so sorry. :(

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