Chapter 8

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Emma's POV
Niall drove us down to the boardwalk. We couldn't find a place to park that wasn't out in the open. He didn't want to park anywhere in the open because of the paparazzi. We finally found a place, he parked and we got out. This Boardwalk was one of my favorite places...there were so many thins to do. There were the food of his favorites. The games, and something I loved going to...the star viewer. Not a lot of people went on the pier type thing where the star viewer was. Which meant it was perfect for Niall and I. We could look up at the stars and be by ourselves. Niall got closer to me and grabbed my hand.
"Do you wanna go ride the Ferris wheel with me?" He asked.

"Yeah. Sounds very "romantic"

"Man. That did kinda sound like I was a hopeless romantic"

"It's fine. Let's go be hopeless romantics together."
We went up towards the ticket booth to get some tickets to play games and ride the rides. I was excepting for Niall to get us about ten tickets He payed for two unlimited wrist bands. Each wrist band was $50! That was a total of $100 for games and rides. That didn't include food! I looked at him with one of my many angry faces.
"Niall. Are you crazy...we are never going to get your money's worth with these..."

"It's fine. It's just $100!"
He said it like it was nothing. I have never been with a "super star" so I can't really say I was used to my boyfriends blowing though money like crazy.
"I don't blow my money. I use it to buy things for me and the people I care about. I care about you...which means no amount of money is to much!" He said.
Awe. He was literally the sweetest person.
The ticket lady put our wrist bands on and we walked towards the Ferris wheel.
We sat down as the seat slowly made its why to us. After the bar was over our laps he took my hand again. Man the way his hand fit in mine was perfect. As the Ferris wheel made it way to the top he look at me and smiled.
"Why are you smiling at me?" I asked.

"Because you're perfect!"

"I am not." I was trying to be cute/serious/all of the above.

"Yes you are. For me anyway."
He honestly made me the happiest person alive. I truly hope this lasts.

Niall's POV
I told her she was perfect and she tried to denied it. Of course she did. But she truly was perfect. In my eyes that is. I was so happy to be with her in this instant.

After we got off the Ferris wheel we went and grabbed some food...tonight I learned a lot of things. I learned that her favorite food, fair food that is , is french fries. She loves them. We spilt a bucket, and they were practically gone after 10 minutes. Yes I did help but she demonized them. Then we got hand squeezed lemonade and of course, the best part of the fair, caramel apples and funnel cake. After we were done she wanted to go play ski ball and try and when some stuffed animal.
I won her three stuffed animals and then we walked over to the start viewer.
She loved this so much. She told me a little bit about it before we went into the boardwalk, by her eyes glistened and you could just tell she was really happy. We walked over to her "favorite" spot and laid down the blanket she had brought. I grabbed her hand again and we laid there. She looked breath taking. The moon light was shining on her and it just made her 10000000000% more beautiful. If anything could make her more beautiful...
"You know what?" I said.


"You are so beautiful."

"Awe thanks. You wanna know something?"


"You are so handsome."

"Thanks babe."
I leaned over and kissed her.

For the rest of the night we talked and left. On our way home we didn't rush. We finally made out way to the drive way when Emma's phone was going crazy. She looked down into her lap at her phone and it said someone named Paige was trying to call her.
"Who's calling you?"

"Oh. Just one of my best friends. Paige. She moved about 6 months ago. She probably just wants to talk. Do you care if I answer it?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."
We pulled up into the drive way and just set in the car. She talked to Paige and we got out and walked into the house. I just witnessed...

Emma's POV
After Niall and I had our date we went home. My phone started ringing and when I looked down I saw that Paige was calling. She was either calling to just call or something had happened. I asked Niall if I could answer it and he said yes.
"Hello? Is everything okay?"

I heard crying in the background.

"What's wrong?"

"Me and Logan broke up!"


"We had a really big fight and he told me to leave. I am staying in a hotel and I was wondering if I could stay with you and Kayla again for a while. I tried calling her but she was busy doing some things and I tried calling you but it went to voicemail like a million times."

"Oh gosh. Paige I am so sorry that I can't be with you right now. Of course you can stay with us again. When are you moving back down?"

"As soon as I can. So probably tomorrow."

"Okay. Do you need us to come help you or anything?"

"Yeah. Please."
Niall looked at me. He asked if it was okay of the boys came and helped out. I said yes.
"Hey do you care if I bring help?" I asked.

"Who are you bringing?"

"You'll see. I promise they aren't going to rape you or anything!

"THEY! More than one?"

"Yes more than one."

"Okay. You don't understand how thankful I am for this and you and Kayla."

"I know, I know. We just want to be here for you!"

"Alright well I am gonna finish packing up everything that was just thrown into my car...I love you. Bye"

"Love you too. Bye."
I ended the call and Niall and I started towards the door. We went though the front...which wasn't glass. As soon as we walked through all I saw was Kayla's named ass in the air and Harry half naked.
"OH MY GOD!" I yelled!

"HOLY SHIT!" Niall screamed.

"It's not what it looks like!" Both Harry and Kayla yelled while trying to cover and save what dignity they still had.

"It's not what it looks like?" I asked.

"No!" Kayla replied.

"Well it looks like you and Harry were having sex on the couch."

"I can see where you might have seen that!"

"Just put your clothes on and we will act like this never happened."
They were in the process of putting there clothes on and I just looked over at Niall with a slight funny/shocked face. I knew we were going to just laugh at this later, but seriously. Sex on the couch?

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