~~Chapter 12 ~ ЯAW Y⅃ИO~~

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I tried talking to Mumbo. He had turned cold and cruel only caring about himself.

I wandered off to the shopping district to what people were doing. I heard a big explosion and went in the direction of the sound only to find the TNT shop blown up.

I heard giggling and laugher and looked up in the air to where it was coming from.

Grian was laughing and giggling to himself. He opened his eyes a bit when pulling False up to his level.

They were crazed. They were the eyes of someone who was on the brink of insanity.


Grian and False were having an argument which didn't seem to go very well as False was shouting and Grians laughing and giggling became more deranged by the second. Grian flew off and was blowing up more shops. All of a sudden my communicator beeped. X had called a server-wide meeting. I went over to the spot he told us to go to and hid making sure I was away from the explosions.


The server slowly descended into chaos. Everyone was paranoid that someone or something was after them.

Some it didn't affect.

All of those Hermits who weren't affected banded together, trying to survive through the hell hole that the Hermitcraft server had begun to descend into.

Some hermits we're more paranoid than others, not trusting anyone except a select few.

The pranks that had originally started the war became more and more deadly as the hermits got more paranoid as time went on. Some ranging from arrows shooting out at you in shops, to the floor of your whole base, dropping out from beneath you into a pit of lava.

Most didn't want anyone to actually die which is why they usually would ask if everyone has set their spawn in a bed. If there is anyone there going after someone that doesn't have their spawn set or their bed was obstructed then they would completely abandon the prank.

The Hermits slowly started forming groups of people they could trust.

Everyone's personalities seemed to change over time as well. Some were crueler than others making them more deadly.

Some chose to change their names, wanting nothing to do with their old name. Some just staying at their bases working on things to aid them in the constant fighting.

The select few who didn't want anything to do with the fighting. we're TFC, Keralis, and XB. They chose to stay far away from the fighting and constant deaths.

Some hermits tried to hunt them down and bring them back to the main island. Most failed and came back empty-handed, to the disappointment of their fellow hermits.

Some were slowly going insane of paranoia, thinking someone was out to get them every time they took a breath.

"Let's see how they like their new Personalitys~

Let's see if they are willing to fight each other~

They will slowly hate each other~

There will be no


There will be no




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