Rivals Reunited

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Rivals Reunited:

The party freezes, honing in on Justin's hand;  enthralled for the fate of the two cups at either end of the table - his throw deciding the outcome of the game.  I gulp, my eyes scanning over the scant table, our reputations embodied in each plastic cup at the rivaling ends.

His eyes snap up to mine, a confident - yet subtle - grin rising as he shifts his hand down.  I watch curiously, the ball leaving his hand, nicking the cup before bouncing off and falling onto the ground.  His teammates groan in disappointment from behind him, his gaze never leaving mine as he watches me pick up the ball.

I stare at him curiously - the party unable to compete with his pure aroma.  He nods his head.  Did he just give me permission to sink the final ball?  Did he toss the match?  No;  there's no way he'd do that.

My small army cheers from behind me, my blurry gaze birthing a determination submerged under the gallons of alcohol.  The ball flies through the air, landing on the rim - the room freezing before it tips, and falls into the cup;  a small splash the last sound before the room erupts into celebration - two of my team mates behind me chanting 'RISEFORD'.

"RISEFORD WINS!  DE-THRONING THE REIGNING CHAMPS FROM BUCKINGHAM!"   The DJ screams, reigniting the crowd that was silenced through anticipation of the game.  Justin's eyes connect with mine, a sly grin present as he picks up the cup, signalling to me before downing its contents.

I lose sight of Justin, my vision impeded by my team mates, their excited cheers screaming at me amongst the music.

"Hey!  Where is the rest of our team!?"  I ask, peering over the crowd.

"Oh.  There's another party just down the street."  I shrug it off.  They start cheering my name - both of them handing me a bottle to drink.   Fuelled by excitement, I grab both drinks - the liquids flowing effortlessly down my throat as I start my own celebration.  

The night churns by, the hands of the clock quickened by a combination of alcohol and music - my feet unwilling to relent;  the alcohol fuelling me through the night.

I stumble over to the door, walking outside - the cool air a stark contrast against the stuffy interior of the house.  A deep breath calms me down as I take in my view - my blurry vision unable to deteriorate the beauty of the night sky.

A swipe across my shoulder snatches my attention - I twist around hastily, tripping on my own foot - the bottle in my hand shattering as it collides with the concrete.  Justin wraps his arms around my waist, stabilising me with his grip.

"Holy shit Justin.  You scared me."  I admit, my heartbeat slowing down as I readjust myself, Justin's entertained smirk a comforting sight from the last time I saw him.  "I haven't heard from you all week bro.  I was scared something happened to you."

"Nawwww Eddy.  Were you worried about me?"  His teasing tone a meagre whisper, the blaring music muffled as he closes the door.  I dismiss his mocking, nodding as I crash into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Yes.  I was worried about you Justin.  Heaps of people from Riseford are still mad at you for breaking in.  And you haven't texted me back in ages."  His tense frame loosens as I sink into his chest, his arms making their way around my neck.  I'm unsure whether my confession stems from the liquid confidence, or genuine concern - but either way, I'm glad the words left my mouth.

"Okay.  Sorry.  I'll text you back from now on.  I was just trying to give you space."  His grip tightens around me as the party disappears from my mind.  "Are you alright now?"  He places his fingers under my chin, lifting my face up - I nod, relighting his smile.

"I'm ready to crash to be honest.  Wanna come back to mine?"  He seems surprised by my offer, his eyebrow raising up inquisitively.  "Uh - um you don't have to.  I was just joking..."  My stuttering is silenced as he places his finger over my lips.

"Yeah I'll take you home.  I hope your girlfriend doesn't mind though."

"Fuck her."  I say, surprising even myself.  "She's not here so it doesn't matter."  He looks bemused by my confession - my liquid confidence vocalising my internalised insecurities.  My fingers slip between his as we make our way back to my dorm.


"So...here we are..."  He says as we arrive at my dorm, his fingers still intertwined with mine - the fog from the last part of his sentence floating into whimsical nothingness.

"Do you wanna come up?"  I ask - the invisible cogs turning in his head as he ponders my question.

"You know what Eddy.  I probably shouldn't."  Disappointedly, I drop my gaze to the ground - my nodding head accepting his answer.  My eyes flick up to his, the flecks of green in his eyes highlighted via the streaming moonlight.  "I probably shouldn't.  But I will."  I roll my eyes at his deception - concealing my evident excitement.

My key slides into my door, after going up the elevator - revealing my room. 

"Did you put my bear in the bin?"  Justin asks as we stumble into the room.  My eyes zoom in on the trash can, my stumbling words barely able to form a sentence.  Subconsciously I lock the door behind me - it's to hide Justin.  Yeah.  I don't want anything to happen.

"Um no...it must've fallen."  I lie, bending over and reaching into the bin - placing the bear back onto its spot on my desk.  He just nods, amused by my excuse.  

I slide off my shoes, my shirt peeling effortlessly off of my chest as I discard it onto the floor.

"Do you have a change of clothes for me to sleep in?  These jeans are really tight."  I look down at his jeans, they are indeed very tight - in all of the right places too.

"Just sleep in your undies.  I am."  I shrug it off, and hop into bed - pulling the duvet over my chest.

"Sweet.  Just two guys in their underwear sleeping in bed together.  Nothing weird at all."  He laughs.  My eyes wander over his body as he slowly peels away the layers until nothing but a singular article of clothing tantalisingly remains.

He slips into bed, his smooth torso rubbing against my arm as we morph into the familiar spooning position.  I push back into him - challenging the silent boundaries we've established for ourselves.  He complies, wrapping his hand around my stomach - pulling me closer, his thumb swiping against my exposed abs.  His hand trails up, latching around my pecks - his fingers gliding over my soft skin.

I move my hips - purposefully - grazing against his underwear, evoking a groan enveloped by his lips - minimising the sound.  He nuzzles his head into the nape of my neck, a tingling sensation ravaging the minute percentage of self control the alcohol hasn't drowned away

"I'm glad we bumped into each other tonight Justin."

"Me too Eddy.  Me too."  As the final words leave Justin's mouth, we drift off into sleep - his arms engulfing me in a blanket of warmth and protection.

The alcohol could be affecting my senses right now, but I'm pretty sure there's something hard poking me in the back.


Hey guys!  Justin and Eddy are finally on speaking terms again, how does this make you feel?  I hope you all enjoyed the chapter - feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment section!

This was quite a cute chapter actually - a really pleasent way to reunite the characters.  I wonder what's going to happen when they wake up?


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