Reverse Deja Vu:
Justin's P.O.V.
I feel his eyes on my back as I sprint away, the bushes and shrubbery falling victim to my vehement stride as I lunge myself away from Eddy - the physical distance bleak in comparison to the canyon-sized emotional distance I just forged. Why the fuck did I do that? Why the fuck did I leave? Fuck sakes Justin, you're such an asshole; you're always leaving!
The alcohol in my system slows me down - my journey home amplified tenfold - each second expanded into an eternity to think about my mistake. My clenched fists run through my hair, failing to alleviate my rising heartbeat - the instant regret of abandoning Eddy - again - hitting me like the force of a rocket. My panted breath and scattered thoughts guide me back to my dorm, the elevator ride up an eternally slow ascension.
My sticky clothes cling suffocatingly to my skin, my exhausted sigh parting my lips as I slip into my room - shocked by the blond-haired girl laying seductively on my bed; only scant pieces of barely-there undergarments covering what little modesty she's trying to maintain.
"Hey baby." She whispers, her sexy gaze disappearing as she runs her eyes up and down my body. "What the fuck happened to you Justin? Why are you wet?" She stands up, rushing to my side - her pedicured touch uncomforting in contrast to Eddy's embrace."Get out. I need to be alone." She winces at my barked instructions, dragging her fingers away as she starts gathering her discarded clothing from the floor and starts getting dressed.
"Was it something I did?" Her curiosity pierces my heart, another innocent person falling victim to my flailing words and careless actions.
"It's not you. It's me." I sigh, crashing down onto my bed, covering my eyes as my mental will prevents my emotions from transforming into welling tears.
"What happened baby? I'll make you feel better." The ignorant words optimistically trickle out of her strawberry-stained lips - her manicured fingers running through my hair as she inches her body closer to mine."I said get out. Go!" She drops her hands, stunned. Her attention drawing to my face as her inquisitive eyes examine my blank look - unable to pierce my internally raging emotions.
"It's him isn't it; that boy you chased after when you left me. He's made you feel like this." I drag my eyes away as she examines my face, trying to decipher the effect of her hypothesis. "I've known you for so long Justin. I've explored every inch of your body, and not once have I ever ignited a flame in your eyes like he has." I bow my head, reading between the lines and uncoding her suggestive tone."So what are you saying?" I force the words out, the question more so rhetorical - the inevitable answer something I'm unsure if I'm ready for.
"All I'm saying is that you've never chased after me before." She places a peck on my forehead, looking at me one last time before sauntering out of the room - her final glance conversing a concluding farewell. I run my hands over my face, exhaling in frustration.I have to go find him; I have to go find Eddy.
I clamber out of the uber, the wind bashing against my fresh change of clothes - bright blue Riseford banners flailing in the wind; the elements merciless to the thin, flailing material. My eyes scan over the familiar brick pavement, the surrounding shrubbery flashing me back to the first night I met Eddy - the night I broke into his room.Memories guide me down a familiar path I didn't realise I'd ever walk again, leading me to the courtyard outside of Eddy's room - streaming beads of dimmed light pushing through his drawn curtains - perfect; he's still awake.
I silently contemplate whether to climb through his window, opting for the elevator instead - the less-intensive route more attractive to my body. Each footstep nearer to his door simultaneously elevates my pulsating heartbeat - my hand floating over the familiar doorframe. I inhale in deeply, my fingers wrapping around the handle - a smile innocently slipping over my lips.
Moving my weight to my arm, I twist the handle - entering Eddy's room.
"Eddy I am so sorry for everything I'v-" My apology plateaus between my lips - frozen via the confused and angry gazes staring back at me - a naked girl hugging the blanket close to her chest, as they rearrange themselves in haste. That's her. That's Tralee.
I blink rapidly, confused by the situation unfolding infront of my eyes - Eddy's face a concoction of confusion and anger - his hands sprawling over Tralee.
"What the fuck? Get out of here you freak!" Tralee screams at me, my stuttering unable to combat her aggressive tone - her slur leaving me baffled as I back out of the room and slam the door shut behind me.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I've fucked up again. I should have never come here. Of course he's with his girlfriend. Who fucking else would he be with. Not me. And that's good. That's a good thing.
My panted breaths and clouded thoughts lead me down the staircase, my vision obscured via the welling tears culminating in my eyes. The once romantic flare of the streetlights feeling isolating and lonely as I walk out of the building - en route back to Buckingham where I belong.
A single tear leaves my eyelid, destroying the intangible dam holding my liquified emotions back, my lungs failing to breathe as I gasp for air between sobs of pain - my sprinting feet carrying me away from Riseford - the blue banners falling behind me. Why do I feel like this? It's got to be the alcohol. Definitely the alcohol. I'm drunk. That's it.
I hear panted breaths behind me, the harsh breathing piercing through my distracted thoughts.
"Justin wait." Eddy's command reaches my ears - I fling my eyes back, catching a glimpse of his shirtless body charging towards me. No. I have to leave. He should go back to Tralee; he's better with her.
"Justin!" I ignore my name once again, the narrowing distance between us showing homage to his athletic prowess.
"Please stop!" His command grinds my feet to a halt - that and a combination of my inability to physically run any further. I wipe my eyes as he nears, not wanting him to see me upset - the dark sky aiding my emotional masquerade.
"What the fuck are you doing here Justin?" Eddy pushes out between huffs of breath. The moonlight highlighting his glory, as each stream trickles over his defined pecs and abs - his haste to get changed giving me free access to the realestate hidden beneath his shirt.
"I wanted to apologize." My own words stifled by exhausted breaths - his confused eyes staring back at me."You came all the way to Riseford just to apologize?" He shoots out - an eyebrow rising in slight disbelief. I nod, unable to vocalize an answer to his question. "Have you been crying?" His fingers swipes up against my cheek - discovering the damp trail down my face.
"I'm fine. It's from my shower." I raise my hand up, intending to push his away - instead, it lays on top of his - unable to disconnect from his heavenly touch."This feels like reverse deja vu; I caught you in bed with a girl, and you chased after me - and now, here we are again - just opposite." He lowers his hand from my cheek, dragging away the warmth with it. Surprisingly, he slides his hands around my waist - pulling me closer to his raw, exposed chest - the smell of sex lingering off of his body. Hot.
I connect my eyes with his: our faces inches apart. My heartbeat picks up again as he slides his tongue over his plump lips. Is this it. Is this a sign. I readjust myself, moving my weight forward - leaning in for a kiss.
Eddy pulls his head back, placing his hands against my chest - the jarring rejection reminiscent of the first time he rejected me - wow; some more deja vu. I pull out of his hold as he stares at me in disbelief - confusing flooding through his beautiful eyes. Stupid alcohol making me do stupid things.
"I have a girlfriend." He whispers out as he starts backing away from me - the gentle moment ruined by my lapse of judgement and desire for his soft lips. "It was a mistake for you to come here Justin." The monotone sentence leaves his lips, stabbing me in the chest on its way to my ears.He's right. It was a mistake for me to come here. It was a mistake for me to ever come here. I should have never come to Riseford University. I should have never stolen that trophy; and I should have never broken into the Captain's bedroom.
He watches silently as I back away, my silent pleas unable to evoke a reaction - his eyes staying on me as I disappear into the night sky.A/N
Well that was one heck of a rollercoaster - emotionally; psychically; mentally. This was one of my most favourite, yet simultaneously confusing, chapters to write. The fast pace was astonishingly breathtaking - it felt like I couldn't breathe the whole time I was writing it. But, the conclusion was also heartbreakingly sad.
Where do you guys think the book's going to go from here? Comment below! Because I'm honestly unsure - this could very well be the end of their relationship.
The next chapter will be written from both of their perspectives; so that'll be interesting! ;D
Much love, and stay safe,

I saw the Captain in his Underwear (BoyxBoy)
Romance"I'm glad we bumped into each other tonight Justin." "Me too Eddy. Me too." As the final words leave Justin's mouth, we drift off into sleep - his arms engulfing me in a blanket of warmth and protection. The alcohol could be affecting my senses ri...