Broken Chains:
"Good morning Eddy." Justin whispers out to me as I awaken, his eyes greeting mine as I twist over to look at him - the morning horizon just enough to highlight the flickering gleem in his eyes. Usually I don't take notice of peoples eyes - but his are the exception; enticing globes of eternal oceans - decorated with specs of emerald and chartreuse."Good morning Justin." His perplexed gaze reveals the internal conflict waging inside his brain. He pushes himself up, casting his eyes down onto me. His hand slowly rides up over my chest, swiping across my cheek as he arches my chin upwards towards him - his gentle touch guiding my obedient head.
"I don't know why I'm about to do what I'm about to do. But I'm about to do it." He murmurs out, sliding his hand up to cup my face. The distance between us narrows as he brings his face closer to mine, his eyelids fluttering closed in anticipation. I can feel my pupils bulging as he nears.My heart rate increases, time seemingly pausing - perpetuating Justin's slowly advancing lips. Is he going to kiss me? No he's not going to kiss me. It's just a prank right? Do I want this? I want this? No I don't want it. Yes I do. No I don't.
"Justin what the fuck are you doing!?" I push on his chest, his eyes snapping open instantly. The oceans I once looked into now evaporated, a cold stunned glare staring back at me - his mouth agape as he fumbles for words - failing to form a sentence.
"Um- I- um- I've gotta go." His suave demeanour shattered, unhinging the confidence which he's adorned for the whole time I've known him. He pushes past me, falling onto the floor in his haste. "I'm still a bit drunk. So that was the alcohol talking. It was just a joke"
"Justin it's alright, you don't have to leave." My reassurance is ignored as he pulls his jersey over his head. "I get it. It was just a joke. You got me." I attempt to add humour to the unfunniest situation in the world; he smiles, but I feel as though it's more out of courtesy.
"I really have to go. I have somewhere to be. I made mates with my plans. Ugh, I mean plans with my mates."
"Justin. You don't have to go." Failing once again, my words fall upon deaf ears.
Please don't go. I really don't want you to go. Come back to bed. My silent pleads disperse away, sealed shut by fear-sewn lips - unable to break through the intangible barrier.
"I gotta go. Bye." My protests fall obsolete as he walks out of my room, the door slamming shut behind him. The beating of my heart pulsates through my ears, casting me into a deafening nervousness as I feel the breath hitch in my throat - Justin's exit taking with it all the air in the room.
His jacket dangles from the chair. Shit. He forgot his jacket. Clambering out of bed, I slide open the window, searching for Justin - my roaming eyes unable to find him. Disappointedly I close it again, retreating back to my bed - jacket in hand.
I wrap my arms around it, squeezing it close - ironic as I just pushed its owner away. Physically and emotionally. His minty scent still lingers on the jacket. The course external texture that once protected me from the wind of the Ferris Wheel, now rubbing against my empty arms. I trail my fingers over the blue patch. If only a patch could fix the problem I'm in now.Unsure of what to do, I grab my phone - unlocking it - my shaky hands navigating to my contacts list. Justin Cornwell. I tap the contact, the screen illuminating into bright blue as the beeping starts.
Time's a funny thing - because it's slowed down once again. Each consecutive beep, a step closer to an ignored call. Please pick up Justin. Please pick up.
"Hey! It's Gregory Adams here. Nah joking! It's Justin! Haha, tricked you. Anyways, I obviously can't make it to the phone right now, so leave a message after the beep, and I'll try and get back to you ASAP!" The beep arrives a few seconds later - my mouth unable to formulate words. There's so much I want to say, yet nothing comes out.
I attempt to call him again - 3 more times actually, each attempt ending in the familiar beeping sound.I drag the duvet over my head, trying to silence my mind - the tweeting birds outside my window rubbing their happiness in my face. Grabbing a pillow, I slam it over my ears - forcing myself to sleep the rest of the afternoon away.
Why am I so flustered? What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like this?
"Hello! Are you even listening to me!?" Tralee barks again - finally recapturing my attention, and drawing me back to the conversation.
"Of course babe. You were talking about what colour Sophie dyed her hair."
"Ugh. You can be such a pain sometime." She whines, twirling a strand of her blond hair between her manicured tips. "I was just talking about how we should get massages on Friday, before your big game on Saturday."
"Oh yeah. Sounds good babe." My mind drifts away again - I couldn't give 1 less fuck about massages and pedicures at the moment. Despite my best efforts to stay engaged in our weekend plans, I take my phone out of my pocket. Tralee doesn't seem to mind though - entertained entirely by her own conversation.I sigh in disappointment as no new notifications greet me - Justin not replying to any of my calls or messages.
Edmond White (3:42 PM):Hey it's me again. R u getting my texts?
Edmond White (3:43 PM):
Pls reply. U said at the party youd text back from now on
"Anyways. Enough talk about that. Are you ready to go and get something to eat now?" Tralee's question capturing my wandering mind.
"Um..." I stare disappointedly at my blank phone screen once again. "Yeah baby I'm ready to go."
The server welcomes us into the restaurant, handing us each a menu - the waiters seating us at a table to overlook the busy street. Staff come and go, drinks get refilled and food disappears as the last rays of daylight are swallowed by the pitch black night.
Tralee traces her hand over mine, successfully distracting me from Justin - the champagne casting me into a dreamlike state as we stare out into the emptying city. Her hand slides under the table, swiping over my leg beneath the tablecloth - hidden to onlookers.
"I've had a good night tonight Edmond." It's strange to hear my name in full. I like Eddy better.
"Me too Tralee. Me too."
"Maybe we should finish it off with some celebrations - if you know what I mean." Her hand proceeds ever swiftly up my leg, venturing into dangerous territory."Fuck yes. Let's do it." I say in anticipation, signalling the waiter for my cheque.
"I'll meet you back at your dorm in about half an hour - I want to get pampered up before you see me." She giggles as she plants a kiss on my cheek before sashaying away into her uber.
A dinging notification in my pocket draws my attention. My breath halts as Justin's name illuminates my screen.
Justin Cornwell (9:42 PM):
Sorry for not texting back. I'm okay.
Relief flows through me after he finally responds to me for the first time all day.Edmond White (9:43 PM):
Algoods. Just glad to hear from u. Hope you have a good night.Justin Cornwell (9:43 PM):
You too Eddy.
I dig the phone into my pocket, disappointed with the 3 word reply - I have a book's worth of texts to send to him, and he can only muster 3 words? I shouldn't care - I'm acting like a jealous girlfriend or something.. Another text grabs my attention - did Justin text me back again?
Pulling the screen up, I'm a tad disappointed when its not him - Tralee's emoji-adorned name floating across my screen.Tralee XOX (9:47 PM):
Cant wait to c u soon baby xo. I'll meet u in ur room l8r
Tralee XOX (9:47 PM):
This will b a night u will neva 4get xoAnd little did she know she'd be right - this would in fact be a night I would never forget - but not for the reasons she thinks.
I reach into my phone - opening my Uber app. I need to grab something from my room.
Ooooooh! What are your guys thoughts about Justin and Eddy - who do you think is right and wrong in this situation?
Also, next chapter Eddy and Tralee might finally do it for the first time. Or will they? Why did Eddy change his location? What does he need to grab from his room? Will him and Tralee finally do the deed? So many questions; find out in the next chapter!

I saw the Captain in his Underwear (BoyxBoy)
Storie d'amore"I'm glad we bumped into each other tonight Justin." "Me too Eddy. Me too." As the final words leave Justin's mouth, we drift off into sleep - his arms engulfing me in a blanket of warmth and protection. The alcohol could be affecting my senses ri...