Winner Winner Chicken Sinner

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Winner Winner Chicken Sinner:

Justin's P.O.V.

"Bro;  you should just go and talk to him."  Brad reassures me as I twiddle my fingers across the screen, deleting another message to Eddy for the umpteenth time;  unsure how to translate an encyclopedia's worth of words into a single text message.

"It's been 2 weeks since I've seen him Brad...and the last time he saw me I was kissing this really ugly blond guy."  Brad laughs at my humour, swiping away the flawed critique - our friendship forged through the fact that he's the only person I can talk to about Eddy.

"He wouldn't of called you if he didn't want to talk."  I groan again, mentally cursing myself for sleeping through the phone call - my love for sleep sabotaging me once again.  

"'re right."  I concede, accepting his wisdom - the movie playing on in the background, unable to secure my interest.

"Shit."  I mutter, my attention flicking to the clock on the wall.  "I'm gonna be late."  Brad pays little attention as I rush around my room, assembling my football uniform together. 

"Can I stay and finish the movie?"  He asks amid my haste.  I have a feeling my answer isn't really going to matter - nodding more so as an act of kindness then of necessity. 

"Bye dude!"

Eddy's P.O.Vw

"Hey! It's Gregory Adams here. Nah joking! It's Justin! Haha, tricked you. Anyways, I obviously can't make it to the phone right now, so leave a message after the beep, and I'll try and get back to you ASAP!"  I groan, ending the phone call and slamming it onto my bed - my outburst drawing the attention from Tralee in the en suite.

"Are you alright Edmond?"  She asks before quickly returning her attention back to the mirror.

"Yeah.  I'm okay."  My blunt answer dismissed - surprisingly unable to evoke any response from her.  The rose petal scent floods the room - released from her bottle - the aggressive smell infecting my nostrils;  my nose retorting in response.

"Welp imma go meet up with the girls now.  Bye baby!"  Her glossy lips swipe across my cheek - my eyes uninterested in her swinging hips as she struts out of the door. 

Chucking my gaze around in boredom, my eyes land on my desk - fixating in on the teddy bear, its paws wrapped innocently around the love heart - the soft fur delicate under my aggressive touch as I pick it up.  Ugh.  I'm thinking about him again.  All I do is think about him;  so why would I push him away?

I muffle my scream with the bear, its button eyes looking back at me - the intangible object entertaining the silent conversation in my head.  Convincing myself, I head into my closet - pulling on an outfit before heading out my door.


The red Buckingham banners swing back and forth - my last memory of the University tainted via sorrowful connotation.

I retrace my familiar route back to Justin's dorm, the elevator ride up perpetuated via my pulsating heart rate.  Arriving at his door, my hand lingers - just like a few weeks ago when I was last here.  Hopefully this isn't deja vu, because the last time I saw Justin...I said things I shouldn't have.

I knock my fist against the door - the anxious wait alleviated as the handle starts twisting.

"Justin I'm so sor-"  I stop mid-sentence, a stranger staring back at me.  I look around sheepishly, checking to see that I do in fact have the right door.  The breath halts in my throat as I realise who I'm looking at - the guy Justin was kissing at the mall. 

"Where's Justin?"  Despite my best efforts, I'm unable to suppress the hostility in my tone - spitting out the question.

"He's at football practice."  He greets warmly.  "You can come in and wait for him if you want to?"  His casual, kind demeanour eerily charming.

" thanks."  I decline, turning on my heels - embarrassed at the situation.  Of course he's found someone else;  why wouldn't he?  He's gorgeous;  funny;  kind;  confident - anybody would be lucky to have him.

"You must be Eddy;  Justin talks about you all the time."  His comment halts my stride - a blush randomly spreading across my cheek.  Is he taunting me or something?  He's definitely lying.  I dismiss his statement, continuing to the elevator.


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