Hickeys and Heartbreak

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Hickeys and Heartbreak:

"How come every time I'm with you, I always end up getting drunk?"  I ask - slowly enunciating each syllable, defending my sentence from failing in the face in of alcohol.

"Because like alcohol, I'm addicting."  He winks as the sentence flows from his lips, the cup and its content flowing down my throat - the emotional wall constructed over the weeks of avoiding each other now gone;  dissolved by beer.

Subtly he bites his lips, the radiating confidence infectiously uplifting.  Don't bite your lip Justin.  My heart can't handle how hot it makes you look.

"Yes you are."  I whisper under my breath, the confession revealing my mindset that deteriorated without Justin and his intoxicating charm around me.  His eyes shimmer in happiness as he laces his hands around mine, the chaotic energy of the bar unable to compete against Justin's purely charming aroma - a playful smile sneaking onto his lips.

"Are you ready to lose tomorrow?" He asks cheekily - I look up to him, unsure of the question.  What am I going to lose tomorrow? 

"What's happening tomorrow?"

"The big game of course. Riseford vs Buckingham."  I entangle my hand tighter around his in shock - his fingers a vessel to vent my surprise.  My worry for Justin has completely eclipsed any responsibilities I've had as Football Captain.

"Fuck." I mutter - Justin giggling; humoured by my lapse of memory. "I guess I didn't remember because I know it's gonna be an easy game."  My sarcastic confidence causing his eyes to roll.

"Pffft.  That's cute that you think you're gonna win.  If it's gonna be such an easy game, then let's make a bet." I raise my eyebrow, curious about his proposition.

"What type of bet?" My tone flirts with the idea as his lips morph back into their familiarly charming grin.

"Whoever loses has to do whatever the winner says. Deal?" He reaches out his hand as I silently contemplate the proposal, the glint flickering as he intimidatingly looks over me.  I hope I don't fucking regret this.

"Deal." I conclude, an eager giddiness flashing through his eyes.

"Wanna dance?"  He asks as he stands up, my grip stabilising him as he reaches for my waist - I nod, his stumble leading us to the dance floor.  My hands reciprocate his, pulling him and his body closer to mine - the dark night and neon lights concealing our exploring hands to the surrounding crowd.

Khalid blasts in the background as the loud bass silences my groans evoked by Justin's roaming hands - his fingers traversing underneath my shirt.  The cold touch of his fingertips is electrifying, each digit delicately swiping across my sensitive skin.  Slowly he raises his palms up to my nipples, my lips unable to suppress the moans.

I open my eyes, his hands retreating away - his ego reassured by the emotional and physical reactions he elicits from me.  He backs away casually, continuing to dance, fully aware of the trance he's entrapped me under;  my body strangely craving more.

I gratefully accept the malibu cocktail from Justin as he brings it over, the fruity drink slithering down my throat - an empty cup the only remnant of the drink.  The amount of liquids in my system quickly catches up to me, my bladder moaning as I urgently search for the restroom to pee.

My blurred gaze leads me to the bathroom, the closing door decreasing the blasting music to a meagre murmur as I start to pee - the room giving me time to process the day so far;  appreciative of how the night has turned out.

"So this is where you disappeared to."  Justin's husky voice startles me as I start doing up my zipper, my thoughts distracting me from hearing him enter.  I dismiss his nearing presence as I let the warm water and soap flow over my hands, Justin leaning on the nearby stall watching idly.

He leisurely paces over to me, the cold tiles hitting my back as he constrict me in - his hands leading my arms up the wall - trapping them beneath his grip over my head.  The minute space between our faces makes my heart beat.  We've been here so many times.  So many times we've been this close.  And this time.  I want it;  I need it;  I crave it.

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