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{ sophie's pov }

it was pretty dark outside and it was just me and namjoon working together. i sat on the counter as i stretched my arms out, namjoon was working the drive thru taking orders, i got down from the counter and made the drinks. i yawned and namjoon came up behind me and poked my side which made me jump and him laugh.

" tired? " he asked and i nodded, he grabbed the drinks and gave them to the people in the car " well we have thirty minutes until closing " he said

" thank god " i said, we continued to take orders from the drive thru and make the drinks. people began leaving as it started reaching closing time, i locked the door and put the " closed " sign up. " namjoon! " i called out

" hm?! "

" i'll start mopping! " i yelled to him

" no! " he said and ran to me " i'll do it, this part sucks the most " he said

" no it's okay i'll do it " i said and reached for the mop, he quickly grabbed it

" no sophie stop " he said and shoved me playfully 

" why??? "

" i don't want you to do the boring stuff "

" namjooooon you're so sweet "

" i try "

" thanks i really didn't want to mop anyways " i smiled and he playfully rolled his eyes

" just go turn the machines off and clean the counters " he said and i smiled " now get your cute ass out of here i need to mop " he said, i blushed lightly and walked to the machines, turned them off and started cleaning it and the counters. i turned around to look at him and he was just mopping away, bopping his head to the music playing. i smiled and turned back around to clean, i can't help but to think he was being flirty with me.. right? i mean we always used to flirt before i was in a relationships but it was different???? not in like a weird way, i would never want to hurt jungkook and namjoon already knows not to come between us. my thoughts filled with jungkook as i was cleaning the counters.. i wonder what he's doing, i hope he's having a good day. i smile to myself and finish cleaning the machines and counters, i sighed and went to the back to check my phone, expecting a text from jungkook but i got no text.. with his clingy ass i thought he would've texted me by now, oh well. i made my way to the tables where namjoon was mopping and sat on one, namjoon then stopped mopping and put his hands on the his face. " fuck " he said

" what? " i asked looking around then back at him, he then put his hands down

" we should've cleaned the tables first " he said and i face palmed my face " why are we so fucking stupid "

" we?! umm no that's you " i said and he rolled his eyes

" fuck you! " he said and i threw a crumbled up napkin at him, he crumbled up a napkin from the floor and threw it at my face which caused him to laugh " i'm gonna kill you! " i yelled and started chasing him around the place, he ran to the back and i almost caught him but he started running faster. we both were laughing as he ran to the front where all the tables were, he was on one side of the table and i was on the other

" sophie stop " he said out of breath

" no you're fucking mean " i said

" truce ! " he yelled

" no! no truce you started this! "

" you're the one that threw the napkin at me first "

" you threw that dirty ass napkin at my face " we laughed, he started running away and i tried grabbing his hand but he was too fast, he ran to the woman's bathroom and i followed him in there. " where the fuck are you ?! " i asked i looked under the stalls to see if i could see his legs. i back up and i feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me which startled me, we were both laughing and out of breath, i turned to face him with his arms still wrapped around me. we both looked at each other and he quickly put his arms down

" that was fun " he said and cleared his throat

" yeah really fun " i said, we both left the bathroom and cleaned the place some more

* an hour later *

we were finally done cleaning so we grabbed our things, locked the place up and started walking next to each other, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we continued walking together

" well today was pretty eventful " he said and i nodded

" yeah i got a dirty ass napkin thrown at my face so that was fun "

" that was the funniest thing i have ever done "

" yeah very funny "

we both laughed and made our way to our cars

" bye joon " i said as i unlocked my car

" wait! " he said , i looked up and he raced over to me and gave me a hug. he rested his chin on top of my head. we both pulled apart and he rested an arm on my car

" do you want to study together after work tomorrow?? " he asked and i smiled and nodded

" yeah that'd be fun " i said

" awesome! okay well drive safe! be safe " he said and walked to his car " you too " i said back as we both waved to each other. i got in my car, and grabbed my phone out of my bag and still no text from jungkook. he's probably busy?

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