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{ imessage sent to jungkook }

how did you sleep?
i miss your cute face
i feel like i haven't seen you in forever

sophie <3

just a hello??
are you still mad at me...?

sophie <3
what do you think


sophie <3
*ding ding ding*

how many times do i have to apologize to you
i'm sorry for the millionth time
please i don't know what else to do
or what else you want from me

sophie <3
when were you going to tell me you were still hanging out with rebecca

wait what

sophie <3
taehyung told me

oh my god i fucking hate him
why do i feel like this relationship has like three other people in it
fuck him i swear

sophie <3
no jungkook
fuck you

wait what

sophie <3
you lied to me

stop sophie i'm sorry

sophie <3
i told you to just be honest with me
you're the one that insisted on not hanging out with her
i cant even trust you anymore

yes you can
i promise you can still trust me

sophie <3
no i can't
you broke my trust

i'm sorry...
it won't happen again

sophie <3
all you do is apologize

because i really am sorry

sophie <3
i'm done
i'm tired being let down by you
i'm tired of being sad all the time
because of you

please let me make it up to you
i promise i won't do this dumb shit anymore
talking to the guys made me realize i don't want to hurt you more than i already have

sophie <3
no Jk
i gave you so many chances
i cant do this anymore

you can't do what anymore...

sophie <3
lets break up

wait wtf sophie no
is that what you really want?!?
do you really just want to end things already??!
i know i fucked up
and i know i've been a dick to you i'm sorry

sophie <3
i've had enough already jungkook
i'm tired
i can't keep going on like this anymore
the lying
the hurting
i cant do it anymore

i'll stop sophie
i promise you i'll change

sophie <3
no jungkook
you lost me
and you lost your friends who love you so much
and at what cost??
because you were selfish
because you let one person influence you heavily
because you were insecure in this relationship
the guys fucking love you
they care for you
we all do

it didn't seem like it when you guys were all over namjoon
how do you think that made me feel???
seeing my best friends hanging out with him
and my girlfriend
all at the same time

sophie <3
this is another reason
i cant with your insecurity towards namjoon
i've told you nothing is happening between us
and nothing will ever happen between us
i don't love namjoon like i loved you
you meant the world to me jungkook

you love me?
if you love me then why are you breaking up with me

sophie <3
i loved you
do you think i want to break up with you??!

i mean yeah because that's what you're doing

sophie <3
well i don't
i really don't
this fucking sucks
i just can't do it
with the whole namjoon thing

you know this is how me and rebecca broke up in high school
she had a guy best friend that she told me not to worry about
it was my first relationship and it felt like everything was repeating all over again
i didn't want to lose you because i know how bad it hurt me the first time

sophie <3
why didn't you tell me that before?!?
we could've talked about this when we were still together and i would've understood
but now i guess u can rekindle whatever u want with rebecca

i don't want her
i want you
you're all i want
i'll do anything please

sophie <3
stop lying to me
their was obviously something there if all you wanted to do was hang out with her

there was
is that what you wanted to hear???!

sophie <3
oh my god
i cant believe you

i told you the truth
but i don't want her
i want you

sophie <3
do you think that makes me feel any better?!
you just admitted to me that you liked another girl when we were dating
oh my god jungkook

i love you sophie not her please stop

sophie <3
i cant believe you out of all people would hurt me this way
and this whole time you were making me feel like i was crazy
like i was the jealous insecure one
when in reality it was you
i was right
i knew you still wanted to be with her

i don't want her anymore
if that means losing you than i will stop being her friend
sophie please
i've never loved anyone like i love you...

sophie <3
if you really loved me than you wouldn't have let her get in between us

stop talking like that

sophie <3
it's the truth
u hurt me
u hurt all ur friends
now u don't have any of us

i'm really sorry sophie
i know i fucked up

sophie <3
maybe sometime in the future we can be friends
but i never want to be with you ever again
and for right now i don't even want to talk to you anymore
i just want to get over you
bye jungkook

you're really just going to throw all of this away?..
i'm still the same jungkook i promise
i cant not have you in my life... please
i hope you remember all the good times we had
and the fun ones
our first date
i love you
don't forget that

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