Chapter One

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"Vera you're just messing with me right?!"

"Nope you were all up on each other. I'm kinda jealous though, he was hot." My friend Vera explained after breaking the news that I got shit faced and basically fucked a guy with clothes on at the bar the previous night.

"See this is what happens when your big sister brings teenagers out for drinks. I kind of have an image of him in my head but.. I still don't remember a thing."

"I didn't know you were that bold y/n. You were all over him. It was like a porno." She said with a smirk. I shoved my face in my hands in embarrassment. What the fuck was I thinking? Usually if I were to do something with a guy I'd do it in the bar.. I was so exposed doing it outside.

"Maybe he put something in my drink? Is that why I can't remember?"

"You were already shit-faced before you guys even started talking. I don't think you drank anymore after you guys started talking."

"So why can I slightly remember his face but nothing else?" I mumbled to myself in frustration.

"Y/n, it's not a big deal you'll never see him again. It was some bar in Tokyo, we're safe." She said slapping my shoulder as she laughed.

"Daichi can't find out either! He'll literally kill me." I paused for a second gasping in realization. "Oh my god I forgot!" I said jumping out of my bed and getting undressed.

"What'd you forget this time?"

"Daichi wanted me to come to some game today. It starts at three what time is it now?!" I panicked as I ran to my closet pulling out a blue knitted sweater and jeans.

"It's 2:45. You're gonna be late." Vera deadpanned as she watched me run around my room like a psycho.

"Fuck. Can you drive me there?"

"Yeah sure."

"Oh my god thanks you're literally a life saver. I owe you one." After getting dressed and slipping some sneakers on.

"It's fine I owed you anyways when you payed for our lunch the other day." she said as I grabbed my phone. We both left the house and she drove me to the school they were playing at.

"Thank you so much! I appreciate it. You sure you don't want to come watch?" I asked Vera as she dropped me off at the school.

"Y/n we're at Nekoma."

"Oh shit yeah I forgot about your Kuroo situation. Well text me."

"Yeah of course. Have fun."

"I'll try. Can't do that too much with Daichi around." I said and we both chuckled as she pulled off. I checked the time on me phone, 5 more minutes before the game started. I ran inside and after a couple of minutes I found the gym. I saw my brother Daichi and the rest of his team as they were finishing warming up. I guess Daichi saw me too because he ran over to me and gave me a hug.

"Y/n I'm so glad you decided to come."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not even an important game what's the big deal?"

"You've never seen us play before and you mentioned you weren't doing anything today. Come on the team is excited to meet you too." he said dragging me to the rest of his teammates.

After meeting all of his teammates I met the team managers. I went to go meet his coach I stuck out my hand for him to shake not looking at his face. When we made eye contact I swear all the blood drained from my body. My mouth hung open I thought my jaw would touch the floor.

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