Spencer gasps awake, but can hardly hold her eyes open. She groggily looks around and realizes she is still in the building. Wait, she had slept? Spencer looks down at her splint. There was a small puddle of dried blood under her leg, but the bleeding had stopped. She rests her head back against the support beam. She'll have to get moving again.Spencer looks down at the hoodie she found last night. It was more like a short T-shirt and it was torn everywhere. She'll need to change, but that is going to be difficult. She has no money, and was in no way decent. Spencer places her hand against the support beam and ties to pull herself up, but her hand slips and she hisses in pain as her palm cuts open. She pulls her hand to her chest and bites her lip. Tears fill her eyes, then she huffs and uses her other hand to stand.
Spencer limps out to the car, trying to ignore the cold her feet are feeling as she walks through the snow. She climbs into the car and frowns. The battery is dead. Spencer lifts her head up to stop the tears from falling. Okay, the car is dead. She'll have to walk to the nearest town. Maybe steel another car. Get some clothes. Spencer huffs and opens the glove box of the car. She finds a flashlight and a pocket knife. Okay, she can use those.
Grabbing the things she found, Spencer steps out into the snow again. She takes a shaky breath and starts walking. Not too far ahead of her is a train track. She'll follow it until she finds something. Or before she freezes to death.
When Spencer finally finds a town she gets right to business. Clothes were the first thing on her mind, so she snuck in through the back of a retail store. She grabs a few clothing items and a pair of shoes. They were all at least 3 sizes too big for her, but it's the best she had to deal with. Spencer pulls the clothes on and pulls off all the tags. A worker starts walking into the back of the store so Spencer quickly hobbles out the back. Once she is a good distance away from the store she fixes the clothing to be a bit more comfortable.
As she steps into an alley she sees a sheriff driving down the main road. Okay, maybe stealing a car was out of the question. Spencer huffs and looks around. She can't travel by air, cause she'll be seen. Spencer looks behind her and stairs at the train tracks. Bingo. She'll follow the tracks until she finds a train station. Maybe one of them is going to New York.
Spencer nods and walks up onto the tracks. It's going to be dark soon. She'll be in total darkness, alone. It's okay though. She's been through worse. At least she thinks she has. Spencer doesn't really have a good sense of trauma. She's had so much of it in her life that at this point, she doesn't care. Or at least is used to it.
Spencer is exhausted. She's been walking for miles, and is in total darkness. After a scare with an owl (It tried to eat her hair), she took to keeping the pocket knife in her hand. She could hear animals walking in the woods around her. They were so close, she swore they could be right next to her. And they probably were. Every now and again she would feel something brush past her legs.
The flashlight wasn't much help. It was one of those cheap LED flashlights from Dollar Tree. Spencer wouldn't be surprised if it just dies on her. It's how her luck seems to be going these days. She looks up at the stars. New constellations fill the air and Spencer turns off her flashlight for a moment. She squints her eyes and identifies Orion's Belt, Canis Major and Minor, Taurus, Lepus, and Lynx. She frowns.
Those constellations appear in December. How long had she been with Jake? Last she checked it was late October. Spencer shakes her head and continues walking. She's done enough crying to last her a lifetime. Ahead Spencer sees lights. They must be at least seven miles away. It must be a train station.
Spencer picks up her speed, still careful of her foot. She's so close. Something barks next to Spencer and she jumps. She points the flashlight to her right and a panting dog looks back at her. He almost looks like he's smiling. Spencer stares at the medium sized dog for a moment. It's an australian shepherd, and it's either a mini, or a puppy. Spencer bends down and the dog wiggles its butt as it steps up to her. "Hi there." Spencer says quietly.
She looks at its collar. "Willie." The dog barks and Spencer smiles. "Cute name." Spencer looks at Willie's collar again, but finds no name or number to call. She looks at him and scratches him behind the ears. "No family?" Willie barks and Spencer smiles sadly. "Yeah, me neither." She strokes his head. "I guess we're both lost." Willie licks Spencer's face and she giggles at how much his butt wiggles. "What do you say Willie? Want to tag along?" Willie barks again and Spencer stands.
"C'mon." They both start walking down the tracks again. Finally, they reach the train station and Spencer pulls Willie behind a bush. They hide as the train master walks up to a shed. He talks through a walkie talkie and Spencer closes her eyes to listen better. A train was inbound for the station in a few hours. And.... Spencer's eyes light up. The train's next stop was New York.
She ruffles Willie's fur and smiles. "We're going home bud." Willie licks her hand and Spencer laughs quietly. "That tickles." She scolds him. Willie just licks her faster, making her roll her eyes. Spencer sighs and leans back against a tree. Willie lays his head across her lap. Spencer runs her fingers through his fur. "Just a few more hours." Spencer closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.
FanfictionSpencer is scared. It's been a year since she was arrested and... Her life is going down the drain. Literally. Between running from the government, and forgetting who she is, Spencer is afraid the life she misses will be gone forever. Tony mis...