TWICE Tzuyu | Feather

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Requested by: RazaGG

Tzuyu was a shy girl. Throughout her idol career, she had not made any new male friends due to her introverted nature. Many idols have tried to get on the better side of her, but she just could not open up. This was until you came. Your group, BTS and hers, TWICE debuted around the same time, meaning both knew each other very well in the industry. Although she was very shy, she supported your group through other actions like buying your albums, streaming your songs and videos, while Nayeon and the other interacted with your group physically.

She wanted to do it too, but she was afraid. She had never been a social butterfly, but that was what made you intrigued in her. You could tell she wanted to join in the laughter and conversations both your group and TWICE shared, but she never did. One day, you decided to initiate the conversation between you and Tzuyu, which was the best decision you could ever make.

Tzuyu did not know why, but you were different. When you talked to her, it did not feel awkward, embarrassing or uncomfortable. It had felt like both of you had known each other for years. Slowly but surely, she opened up to you and your relationship with her blossomed. After a year or so of friendly interactions, you decided to take things up a notch. You brought her to a pet cafe, which was where you confessed your love for her.

Surprisingly, she felt the same and accepted your confession. Months together made you witness the other side of Tzuyu. To her closed ones, she is a quirky and cute girl. She would often do aegyo on you to make you agree with her, like how she once called you to look at her to find her giving you the cutest puppy face.

Today was her birthday and you wanted to surprise her. After clearing your schedule, you entered the van, where your manager would drive you to the venue of TWICE's fansign.

After arriving at the packed area, you made sure you had heavy disguise on, in case of sasaengs and because you did not want her to recognise you. After what seemed like hours, you were finally admitted in. You sat on your designated seat and patiently waited for the love of your life to appear on stage. Soon enough, the 9 girls appeared before the wild fans that started chanting.

The mini performance ended and it was time for the fansign. You went through the 8 girls without them recognising you, which was a relief. Finally, you sat down on the seat opposite Tzuyu. She looked at your clothing and stifled a laughter, because it was hideous to say the least. You had about three scarfs on, and very thick clothing. It was no wonder the cute yoda laughed.

You reached deep into your pockets, and digged out a feather. You could tell she was confused, due to her raised eyebrows and slightly ajar lips. You held the feather, and placed it on her palm.

"Why are you giving me a feather? Is there a meaning behind this?" She asked you, for indeed it was a weird gift to receive.

"You'll find out soon enough." I simply replied before leaving the seat, happy that your plan went smoothly without any hassle.

Then, you booked a private room in a high-class restaurant and texted Tzuyu to meet you there after her schedule. She must have been on her phone, as she replied a minute later with a thumbs-up emoji and a heart. That made you chuckle, and you were excited for today. It might be the best day , or the worst day of your life.


You sat nervously in the private room,anxiously waiting for Tzuyu to come. Once she did, you were blown away at how a simple dress could still make her look like an angel. "Honey, have a seat." You pulled the chair out for her.

"Y/N, you didn't have to do this. Booking a fancy restaurant and all, spending my birthday with you is enough." She gave you a small but impactful smile.

"It's okay, just enjoy your special day." You chuckled, before both of you digged into the Wagyu beef before you.

She was just talking about how her day went when she mentioned something that got you all nervous. " So we were just having a fansign and there was one fan dressed in such a thick manner I could not see him at all, and what's even weirder was that he gave me a feather, I had no idea what it meant." She took the feather out and that was my cue to do what I had planned.

" Yeah, because I gave it to you. As they always say, birds of a feather, flock together. Our relationship had it's ups and downs, where we were both busy with our careers, but look how far we have come and overcame all the challenges, that I am able to stand before you today to ask you, would you be my bird to flock together for my entire life?" You said, and her eyes were full of tears, before the corners of her mouth raised when she heard the last line of your corny proposal.

" I accept! Thank you for letting me express myself and let me be who I truely am before you. I was shy and introverted before I met you, but I realised that just set my social circle back. You were the one who unlocked it, and led me out. I love you, Kang Y/N."

You took out the ring that had her initials engraved on it, and put it on her ring finger, before muttering, " I love you too, Chou Tzuyu."


I'm so sorry it did not turn out fluffy at all and she was supposed to get caught for dating Y/N but well I tried to make it less cliche, hopefully so xD

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