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Leorio POV

I held Kurapika's hand as we drove towards the restaurant where we had our first date at. He was dressed in a blue button up and black slacks. His hair was neatly brushed to show of his signature earring.

"I'm really nervous about all this." Kurapika squeezed my hand, not taking his eyes off the road. I looked over at him for a split second to give a sad smile.

"You're going to have so much fun! All of your friends are going to be there! You get to go home with Melody too! That'll be fun right?!" I rubbed his hand with my thumb until he seemingly calmed down.

"I suppose I will calm down eventually. Just pre-wedding jitters if anything." He tucked his hair behind his ear. I'm surprised he even knows what that term is.

Eventually we pulled up to the restaurant, pleasant memories flooded back as we did.

Then not so pleasant ones.

I held Kurapika's hand tightly causing him to look up at me and grin. Together we walked into the restaurant.

"Leorio! Kurapika! Hi!" Gon yelled, jumping up from his table, Killua following behind him. They both had their little suits on and hair neatly combed. Alluka followed behind them in a pretty pink dress with a sparkly bow in her hair.

"Hey guys! You all look great, thanks for coming!" I smiled at the three of them. Kurapika was bent down to Alluka's height asking about her dress. Alluka giggled at something he said.

I grinned.

Gon's aunt also greeted us, along with Ms. Bisky, Mr. Wing, Zushi, Zepile and his girlfriend (who's name is Ray), Melody, and other friends of ours.

Overall it wasn't a huge turnout.

Thank goodness.

Kurapika took our seats at our own table near the back while everyone else was seated around us, all facing our direction. Kurapika sat nervously in his chair, the red pigment on his cheeks shown brightly under the restaurant lighting.

Gon and Killua ran up to our table, their's being the closest next to ours which consisted of Alluka, Zushi, Gon and Killua. Another table near by had Zepile, Ray, Bisky, Wing, and Mito. Melody sat with some of Kurapika's work friends next to a table with Cheadle and my Zodiac friends, the very limited amount that is.

Neither Kurapika or I had any family attending.

I squeezed his hand.

"What are we eating?!" Gon bounced excitedly next to Kurapika. Kurapika rolled his eyes and pointed to the kitchens.

"Salmon and assorted vegetables. If you don't eat the veggies you can't have dessert." He threatened, grinning at Killua and his reaction.

"Now go on you two brats, we are about to have a toast." I hissed, Gon nodded and Killua stuck out his tongue at me, both finally running off back to their seats.

Melody stood up.

"Thank you everyone for attending this evening! In honor of the two I ask you to please raise your glasses for the happy couple!" Melody spoke soft and yet energetically into the microphone connected to the restaurant speakers. She raised her glass of alcohol and so did everyone else. Kurapika and I looked at each other, grinning, and lifted ours as well.


I chugged my beer and Kurapika sipped his wine, slapping my thigh as I did. He gave me a side glare before snickering.

"You asshole." I glared back at him, a small laugh of mine escaping. Kurapika snorted into his drink causing him to get wine on his nose.

I roared with laughter.

He did too.

We both were trapped in a fit of idiotic giggles as the food was being served. Killua noticed.

"Hey! What are you two old people laughing about?!" He yelled to us over the noise of the crowd. Kurapika and I stopped for a split second to stare at each other, silently asking the other what we were laughing about.

Then we started laughing again.

"Good grief. They are delirious." Killua groaned, leaning back in his chair in a huff. Gon giggled next to him. Alluka had a coloring page that she was clearly showing Zushi how to use. Zushi blushed at her actions.

Hold up.

I snapped my fingers in order to get Gon and Killua's attention. Once the two noticed me I pointed to Alluka and Zushi. Gon grinned and covered his mouth, Killua however was the opposite.

His eyes widened in terror.

"Alluka come sit next to me at the END of the table." He stood up quickly causing the table to shake a bit. Kurapika giggled.

"But why big brother?"

"Because I said so!"

Over at the other table with the main adults, Bisky, Ray, and Mito were chatting it up about something most likely girl related while Wing and Zepile were making very awkward conversation.

"You uh...use nen?"

"Yeah for pottery. You?"

"I teach kids how to fight sometimes."


Melody's table was relaxed and so was Cheadle's. She looked over for a split second to wave at me, which I politely waved back. Out of all the Zodiacs she was my favorite. We both shared a hatred for Ging and a love for medicine.

Finally the waiter brought food to me and Kurapika. I immediately started to dig in while Kurapika was slow and neat with his bites.

He was trying to act cool!

Little suck up.

Good time to mess with him.

"Did you pack your pajamas sweetheart?" I whispered to him in a high pitch coo, the same one I used when he is tired. Kurapika's face exploded with red.

"I don't know what you're trying to do but you better stop this instant." He hissed back at me, ducking his head a bit so nobody would see his change is demeanor.

"I knew that'd work." I laughed to myself and continued eating.

It's the small victories.

Everyone enjoyed their food and laughed and talked and wished us the best as we ate. The sun had began to set and the restaurants outside lights had turned on, illuminating the ocean.

Kurapika stared out the window longingly.

"Do you wanna go out there?" I whispered to him, after a couple moments he gave a small nod.

I grabbed his hand and stood up slowly. Nobody was looking directly at us and there was still I while to go before desserts. Kurapika quickly followed after me towards the patio door. Once we finally made it he and I began giggling out our recent escape.

The wind was warm and the smell of salt water was intoxicatingly sweet. Kurapika leaned against the ledge, his hair blowing softly in the wind.

I'm spending the rest of my life with this man.


"You're beautiful."

He turned to look at me, I was leaned against the ledge as well, my face looking at only him. Kurapika smiled.

"You're not half bad yourself Mr. Leorio." He winked, wrapping his arm around my waist. I chuckled to myself.

"How rude of you Mr. Kurapika." I placed a big hand on his head, ruffling his hair. Kurapika closed his eyes and smiled.

"I prefer Mr. Paladiknight."


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