Love Letters: Chapter 1

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          I sat there, silent tears running down my cheeks... Where I sat you might ask? In the girls bathroom on a toilet seat in a stall at my high school. In the bathroom farthest away from the student body to be more specific. You also might ask why am I crying... and that is 'cause of what happened 10 minutes ago.


          My feet press against the tiled floor as I walk into the cafeteria. Making sure to not make eye contact with anyone, I keep to the shadows trying not to be seen or heard for the fear of utter humiliation.

          The smell of mystery meat and so-called milk fill my nostrils. I shrung my nose up in disgust. Teenagers scream and talk among their friends about things that don't matter. Gossip, Lies, Sex, Fights... I could go on and on. It's so petty and childish that I'm actually grateful that I don't talk to them.

          No one noticed the raven-haired, light brown eyed girl walk close to the wall of cafeteria to the kitchen. Or so I thought. Taking comfort in the deafening noise, my shoulders begin to drop. I am almost to the kitchenwhere I will get my pile of gross slop, when I let my guard down.

          Which is probably why I didnt see a tall stupid kid sulk up behind me and dump a tray full of slop onto my head.

           I freeze, then carefully lift my hand up to my head and feel my hair. Something soft and gooshy covers my hand as it comes into my line of view. Before I know it,  the entire cafeteria explodes into laughter. Instantly, tears gather at the bottom of my eyes. My hands become clammy and form into pathetic fists.  Their laughter ringing in my ears, I run out of the front doors of the cafeteria, barley seeing the faces of the kids laughing at me  and giving me looks of pity through my tears.


          And that is the reason I sit here, balling my eyes out. Silently. I lifted my legs, bending them so that my feet are on the toilet seat. My back pressed against the base.

          "Sophia?" A voice echoed from somewhere in the bathroom.

          My head shot up and listened intently.

          "Sophia... it's me Haile."

          I jumped up from my position and unlocked the stall. My eyes made contact with Haile's and I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bathroom stall with me. Then I locked the door and slowly turned towards Haile, my best friend. A loner just like me. A person that no one would remember. A person that flew under the radar.

          I began to cry again. I felt me friend's arms wrap around me as she lowered me to the ground, hugging me. She rubbed my back and said soothing words, "Shoosh... It's going to be okay." I cant remember how long we sat in that bathroom. Undisturbed. No one ever comes to this bathroom. We both know where to find each. Right here.

          When I finally stopped crying, I silently knew that I was strong enough to leave our sanctuary. We silently walked out into the main area of the bathroom where the sinks and mirrors were. I lifted my head to see the state I was in. What stared back at me was a girl with puffy red eyes and dark shadows under them. Her face was pale, streaked and her black long hair had something in it that definitely shouldn't be there. She wore a over sized gray sweat shirt, baggy in all places. Over all I looked like a zombie. I sighed, waiting for tears to leak out of my eyes again. But they never came. I must have cried myself dry. Do you know how sad that is?

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