Love Letters: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


         My black hair fell like a curtain around my head. I subconsciously played with a strand while Mr. Marcus was talking. The ticking of the clock on the wall rang in my ears, distracting me from the lesson. No matter how much he tried to make the lesson exciting, I still couldn’t give him my undivided attention.

 My mind wandered and I instantly started thinking about the ‘secret admirer’ note. Obviously the letter was fake―that was out of the question. But who had put it in my locker was still something I needed to figure out. It could have been that guy who had dumped food on my head, but that seemed sort of obvious. I would think that if you wanted the joke to be a better laugh in the end, you would pick someone that you would never guess. To make it seem more realistic. The person could be anyone in that room actually.

I peeked through my hair to look at the kid sitting next to me. I was pretty sure it wasn’t that guy. I mean, if he was then I was sure he wouldn’t be asleep and drooling on the desk. The person who did it would be alert and conspicuously looking at me and trying not to fall out laughing. And with that assumption, I could rule out half the class because they were all in the same boat as the kid next to me.

Sighing, I looked up at the clock again. You could imagine my disappointment when I saw that the class wouldn’t end for another five minutes. I was just about to start playing with the ends on my hair again, when I spotted a kid in the back on the class looking at me. He was sitting behind Carly. When I tried to get a better look at him, Carly moved her head, blocking my view.

I was just about to try peering over Carly’s head when the bell rang.The whole class period, I hadn’t been paying attention and had missed Mr. Marcus’s lecture. But right then, I really didn’t cared. If anything, I would get the information from Haile, but I needed to find the guy who had been staring at me.

            Quickly gathering my things, I stuffed them in my backpack. When I turned around to find the boy, everyone in the class had already left. After huffing in frustration, I scurried out of the classroom. The hallways were filled with other students: some socializing, some walking like zombies, and others just simply trying to get to class. So different from the vacant hallways earlier this morning. Oh, how I missed the empty, peaceful hallways.

            My next class was Home Ec and wasn’t I prepared for that long trek to class. I was already tired and it was only 9:30. I was usually not a violent person, but I seriously was considering killing the kid that turned the oven on way too hot in class and made it explode 3 months ago.  The class was relocated to the lower level. In other words, half way across the school from where I was.

            My thin legs powered me down the hallway. I kept a watchful eye out, not wanting any kind of repeat of what happen yesterday. But unfortunately, just as I was about to round a corner, someone stuck their foot in front of me, making me trip.

            A cynical voice filled my ears, “Well, look, what the cat dragged in. Dumpster Girl.”

            People began to gather around. It’s sad how something like a girl being picked on can grab people’s attention yet not one of them with try to help her. I thought this was the 21st century, not 1987.

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