Love Letters: Chapter 3

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          Bored. Annoyed. Angry. Bored. Annoyed.

          Do you get what I putting down? If you are getting signs of irritation and weariness, then great! We were on the same page then.

          So, I was sitting in my kitchen at the breakfast bar. But that doesn't explain why I had been perched there, fuming with such negative emotions. Let me elaborate. I can see my dad down the hallway in the family room, siting on his lazy ass watching a football game. And that's all he does when he gets home from work. He works at a construction sight, building and managing overpriced complexes. And always comes home smelling like cigarettes and bad cheese while covered in dirt. Then he retires to the couch, saying that he works too hard and we should praise him―which is a load of bull, because half the money he makes, he spends at the casino. Today, I am especially annoyed by him because the second he saw me, he grunted and walked away. Not even a 'hello'! The nerve!

          Don't even get me started on the rest of my family! I mean, I came downstairs to see them and they barley give me the time of day. My mom was doing who knows what in her room, probably trying to make those wrinkles vanish. She was gorgeous for a woman her age before she went to Cali and had her face done. Needless to say, she wasn't so pretty now. She's now taken up the task of always piling make-up on herself now.

          My mother was a big time account at a bank and works so much I barley see her. But it's not like she is the best motherly figure either. She doesnt cook, or clean, or even ask me how my day was. Nothing. Nada. Zit. Zero. Do you get what I'm putting down?

          I think my little sister, Nina, is even worse than both of them. She could give Malibu Barbie and run for her money. Long, silky blonde hair, the prettiest damn face you ever could see and an attitude that could kill, I'm surprised she hasn't been casted in the next Mean Girls movie. All she was missing was a movie star husband. Her life consists of painting her nails and talking to her boyfriend. Do you know how sad it was that my 14 year old sister had a boyfriend and before 16 year old me? Very.

          I know my parents loved her the best. She was snidely and rude all the time to me, but not to them. She acted like a sweetheart. Oh, you can't say I never tried to expose her evil ways. When I was younger, I used to try to tell my parents all the mean things she did to me and get her to say something mean to them. But, it never worked out. I had grown to accept this injustice, counting down the days until I could go to college. I would take the car that I paid for myself, and the scholarship that I hope to be getting and kissing this place goodbye.

          I had come down stairs and said 'Hi' being the nice daughter that I am. My mom looked at me from her position in the kitchen, and I swore she marked off a mental calender in their head, that I wasnt dead. For my sister, I think she checked off on a calender how many days I had been alive and wishing I was dead. I sighed and in unison they both quiet 'hello's' and scurried off. That's ok, I didn't want to talk to them anyways.

         So again, Bored, Annoyed, Angry.

         My stomach churned and growled. I hadn't realize how late it was until I read the clock on the microwave. I need some food. Seeing that my parents never cooked, I always made something for myself. Hopping of the stool, I searched through the freezer looking for something to eat. A Cheese Hot Pocket sounded good right then. The cool air that surrounded my hand as I reached inside the freezer made me shiver. I slammed the freezer door closed and put the Hot Pocket on a plate. After I heated it up in the microwave wave, I chowed down.

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