Love Letters: Chapter 8

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It’s funny―hilarious actually. You wake up one day thinking that it’s going to be a regular, typical, run-of the mill, kind of day, but then it turns out to be the complete opposite. Yesterday I thought I was just going to go to school and go through the same routine. That’s not even close to what happened. And don’t even get me started of what happened today! I mean, so many bad things have happened and it’s not even lunch yet! I didn’t even want to think about what the rest of the day would bring. If my life in the span of the last two days were a movie, it would definitely be a comedy because this shit is hilarious! 

            I heaved the biggest sigh I have ever made. Because as everyone begrudgingly began turning to their partners next to them, I knew I would have to too. I slowly turned my head to see who was sitting next to me. And lo and behold, there was no one! No one was sitting next to me! I hadn’t really been focusing on the kids around me in that class all year; I hadn’t noticed that no one sat next to me. Things might actually be looking up for me!

            “Oh, Sophia―!”

            I whipped my head towards the person that had called my name.

            Ms. Huston stood at the front of the class looking start at me. Her face was etched into one of concern. She went from looking at my face to the empty seat next to me.

            Damn! Spoke too soon! I thought.

            Ms. Huston walked through the clusters of students talking with their partners. She stood next to me and said, “It looks like you don’t have a partner?”

            I quickly answer with a shaky smile, “Yeah but that’s ok. I can do the narrative about myself.”

            She shook her head, defiance in her eyes, “No no, no. That won’t do. You must have a partner. That’s what this project is all about.”

            What is with teacher and group projects all of a sudden, I thought.

            “No, it’s fine,” I told her.

            “No it’s not. Hold on one second,” Ms. Huston exclaimed. And before I could stop her she said loudly, “Class! Attention.”

            Peoples’ chatter stopped and then turned to listen to her within a few moments.

            Her eyes narrowed, surveying each student and continued, “Is there anyone without a partner? I know there is an even numbers of students in this class, so fess up.”

            Everyone looked around, trying to see who it was. I looked anxiously at Ms. Huston’s face and then at the class. It looked like everyone had a partner. People were murmuring, but no one came forward.

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